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Battlespire Features
09 February 2011
This page contains the various known, and rumoured features to be found in the
released version of the game. Also contained below are the current system
requirements and any preferred ones.
- Released sometime 4th quarter 1997. My sources say well in time for Christmas (tweaking the
multiplayer part I hear).
- Basic Story Line (Maybe): The game is basically going to be a tournament to be the ultimate
battlemage of the imperial province. The tournament is set up in
Battlespire, an extradimensional pocket in space. You don't need sleep,
and death won't be real (or so you think). But as you arrive, everybody
there is dead and this daedra lord with a wierd name has taken over. The
only way out is through the summit (at the end), which is guarded by the
daedra lord. In Battlespire, you basically have to do three things:
- Get to the summit
- Right all the wrongs done while...
- Killing all the monsters and your friends on Modem, IPX, or internet play
- Combination role playing/action game. Bethesda hopes to open up the market so
first-person/action gamers will buy it too, but still firmly a RPG.
- Unlike the vastness of Daggerfall, this game takes place in only
one dungeon? (or just a few perhaps).
- Takes place in the Realm of Tamriel.
- Brilliantly detailed 3D environments, from sinister dungeons to towering
castles, with unprecedented interactivity.
- First person
- 640x400 with 65,536 colors (16 bit)...WOW! (does not use any 3D acceleration).
- Enhanced armed and magical combat system.
- Spellmaker as in the ES series, although its slightly different I hear.
Evidently you can get fireballs to bounce around searching for prey!
- Cunningly-crafted tactical challenges and action puzzles.
- Similar Character creation system as Daggerfall allowing one to
create any class type that one wishes.
- Monster AI is supposedly improved over Daggerfall's...guess we'll have to wait
and see by how much.
- Stunning special effects including dynamic light sources and transparent water effects.
- Multiplayer options include Team vs. Computer, Team vs. Team, and deathmatches via
network or internet (All Right!). Up to 6 players (should be more I think).
- Pentium 133MHz IBM PC or Compatible
- 16 MB RAM
- 2x CD-ROM drive
- 75 MB hard disk space
- SVGA Video card
- No 3D acceleartion available (canceled late in developement)
- MS-DOS 5.0+
- Multi-player requirements: +14.4 modem or IPX/LAN
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