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A Less Rude Song (0x00024569)

  • Record Type: BOOK
  • Name: A Less Rude Song
  • Editor ID: Book2CommonIstunondsCosmology
  • Form ID: 0x00024569
  • Source File: Oblivion.noSI.esm.mod
  • Patch Status: This is the default version of this FormID, but it has previously been modified. Other versions are:
Parameter Value
Weight 1
Value 6
Model Clutter\Books\Quarto02.NIF
Icon Clutter\IconBook10.dds
<div align="center">A Less Rude Song<br>
by Anonymous<br>
<div align="left">   They say<br>
   The Iliac Bay<br>
   Is the place to barrel around<br>
   Without a bit of apparel on,<br>
   As advertised in that carol song<br>
   A tune that's sung as the west wind blows<br>
   About it's lovely not wearing any clothes.<br>
   Ladies singing high notes, men singi<font face=1>ng lows,<br>
   Implying that the most luscious depravity<br>
   And complete absence of serious gravity<br>
   Can only be found in the waterous cavity<br>
   Of Iliac Bay.<br>
   If you are the type who is more a sinner than a sinned,<br>
   You'll find it all in Morrowind.<br>
   But the truth, my child,<br>
   Is that nothing more wild<br>
   That an ordinary fashion<br>
   Kind of slightly mad passion<br>
   Can be detected if at all<br>
   In Sentinel and Daggerfall.<br>
   Whatever your odd needs: feathered, scaled, or finned,<br>
   You'll find it all in Morrowind<br>
   It's an invention of bards<br>
   That Bretons and Redguards<br>
   Have more than some staid fun<br>
   And suffer deviant fornication.<br>
   For the most of madness, not the least,<br>
   The wise debaucher heads out east.<br>
   Where your once steely reserve is now merely tinned,<br>
   You'll find it all in Morrowind.<br>
   In Morrowind,<br>
   There is sin.<br>
   But, pray, do not confuse Dunmer variety<br>
   With that found in tepid Western society<br>
   Compared to which, it nearly is piety.<br>
   It isn't terribly ingenious calling it prudery<br>
   Observing the Dark Elf aversion to nudity.<br>
   After all, the preferred sort of lewdity<br>
   In these parts is far more pernicious.<br>
   From the Ashlanders to the wettest fishes<br>
   You'll find pleasure and pain quite delicious<br>
   In Morrowind.<br>
   If you find yourself with unkind kinship with your kin<br>
   You'll find it all in Morrowind.
Scroll 0
Cannot Take 0
Value Raw 6

Database last updated 11/02/2011
BOOK records last updated 11/01/2011