Name |
edID |
formID |
Magicka Cost |
Skill level |
School |
Effects |
Light that Protects |
NDLpAuroran3ShockShield |
0xKN000e1a |
10 |
Journeyman |
Alteration |
Lesser Power: Shock Shield, 20% for 30 secs on Self |
Light that Protects |
NDLpAuroran4ShockShield |
0xKN000e18 |
10 |
Journeyman |
Alteration |
Lesser Power: Shock Shield, 25% for 30 secs on Self |
Light that Protects |
NDLpAuroran5ShockShield |
0xKN000e16 |
10 |
Journeyman |
Alteration |
Lesser Power: Shock Shield, 30% for 30 secs on Self |
Lighten Load |
StandardFeather3Journeyman |
0x000a9801 |
75 |
Journeyman |
Alteration |
Spell: Feather, 75 pts for 300 secs on Self |
Lightning |
SELpGnarlShock2 |
0x00041d8b |
11 |
Apprentice |
Destruction |
Lesser Power: Shock Damage, 10 pts on Target |
Lightning |
SELpGnarlShock3 |
0x00041d8c |
11 |
Apprentice |
Destruction |
Lesser Power: Shock Damage, 17 pts on Target |
Lightning |
SELpGnarlShock5 |
0x00041ec6 |
11 |
Apprentice |
Destruction |
Lesser Power: Shock Damage, 10 pts for 2 secs on Target |
Lightning Ball |
StandardShockDamageArea4Expert |
0x0003c3da |
243 |
Expert |
Destruction |
Spell: Shock Damage, 20 pts for 2 secs in 15 ft on Target |
Lightning Blast |
StandardShockDamageTarget4Expert |
0x000a97fd |
269 |
Expert |
Destruction |
Spell: Shock Damage, 70 pts on Target |
Lightning Bolt |
StandardShockDamageTarget3Journeyman |
0x000a97f8 |
110 |
Journeyman |
Destruction |
Spell: Shock Damage, 35 pts on Target |
Lightning Grasp |
StandardShockDamageTouch3Journeyman |
0x000a97fc |
101 |
Journeyman |
Destruction |
Spell: Shock Damage, 45 pts on Touch |
Lightning Shield |
NPCShockShield1Novice |
0x0005dcc3 |
60 |
Apprentice |
Alteration |
Spell: Shock Shield, 15% for 20 secs on Self |
Lightning Shield |
StandardShockShield3Journeyman |
0x000a982b |
131 |
Journeyman |
Alteration |
Spell: Shock Shield, 20% for 30 secs on Self |
Lightning Storm |
StandardShockDamageArea5Master |
0x0003c3db |
409 |
Expert |
Destruction |
Spell: Shock Damage, 30 pts for 2 secs in 15 ft on Target |
Lightning Surge |
NPCShockDamageTouch5Master |
0x00064f2e |
283 |
Master |
Destruction |
Spell: Shock Damage, 100 pts on Touch |
Lightning Surge |
StandardShockDamageTouch4Expert |
0x000a97f6 |
212 |
Expert |
Destruction |
Spell: Shock Damage, 80 pts on Touch |
Lightning Touch |
DLCTomeSpellShockDamageTouch3Journeyman |
0xST00123b |
127 |
Journeyman |
Destruction |
Spell: Shock Damage, 12 pts for 6 secs on Touch; Weakness to Shock, 75% for 6 secs on Touch |
Lightning Wall |
StandardShockShield4Expert |
0x000a982c |
221 |
Expert |
Alteration |
Spell: Shock Shield, 30% for 30 secs on Self |
Llevana's Paralyze |
MS10SpParalyzeSpecial |
0x0003c9c6 |
12825 |
Master |
Illusion |
Spell: Paralyze, for 180 secs on Target |
Llivam's Reversal |
DLCTomeSpellLlivamsReversal4Expert |
0xST00122c |
338 |
Expert |
Mysticism |
Spell: Spell Absorption, 10 pts for 20 secs on Self; Reflect Spell, 15% for 20 secs on Self |
Lord Vlindrel's Curse |
ND08SwordCurse |
0xKN000e2d |
0 |
Novice |
Destruction |
Ability: Stunted Magicka, on Self; Weakness to Fire, 100% on Self; Weakness to Frost, 100% on Self; Weakness to Magic, 100% on Self; Weakness to Poison, 100% on Self; Weakness to Shock, 100% on Self |
Lover's Bower |
DoomstoneLover |
0x0006a8f5 |
0 |
Novice |
Restoration |
Power: Fortify Personality, 20 pts for 120 secs on Self; Fortify Luck, 20 pts for 120 secs on Self |
Lover's Kiss |
BSLoverKiss |
0x00022a43 |
0 |
Novice |
Illusion |
Power: Paralyze, for 10 secs on Touch; Damage Fatigue, 120 pts on Self |
Low-Damage Shock |
TRAPSE03ShockDamageFake |
0x0004efde |
0 |
Master |
Destruction |
Spell: Shock Damage, 1 pt on Target |
Mage Birthsign |
BSMage |
0x00022a31 |
0 |
Novice |
Restoration |
Ability: Fortify Magicka, 50 pts on Self |
Magic Resistance |
AbGoblinWarlordResist |
0x0000ab92 |
12 |
Novice |
Restoration |
Ability: Resist Magic, 25% on Self |
Magic Resistance |
SEAbGKMagicResistance1 |
0x0004fb79 |
0 |
Novice |
Restoration |
Ability: Resist Magic, 75% on Self; Resist Paralysis, 100 pts on Self |
Magic Resistance |
SEAbGKMagicResistance2 |
0x0004fb7b |
0 |
Novice |
Restoration |
Ability: Resist Magic, 75% on Self; Resist Paralysis, 100 pts on Self |
Magic Resistance |
SEAbGKMagicResistance3 |
0x0004fb7d |
0 |
Novice |
Restoration |
Ability: Resist Magic, 75% on Self; Resist Paralysis, 100 pts on Self |
Magic Resistance |
SEAbGKMagicResistance4 |
0x0004fb80 |
0 |
Novice |
Restoration |
Ability: Resist Magic, 75% on Self; Resist Paralysis, 100 pts on Self |
Magic Resistance |
SEAbGKMagicResistance5 |
0x0004fb81 |
0 |
Novice |
Restoration |
Ability: Resist Magic, 75% on Self; Resist Paralysis, 100 pts on Self |
Magic Resistance |
SEAbGKMagicResistance6 |
0x0004fb82 |
0 |
Novice |
Restoration |
Ability: Resist Magic, 75% on Self; Resist Paralysis, 100 pts on Self |
Magic Resistance |
SEAbGKMagicResistance7 |
0x0004fb83 |
0 |
Novice |
Restoration |
Ability: Resist Magic, 75% on Self; Resist Paralysis, 100 pts on Self |
Magic Resistance |
SEAbGKMagicResistance8 |
0x0004fb84 |
0 |
Novice |
Restoration |
Ability: Resist Magic, 75% on Self; Resist Paralysis, 100 pts on Self |
Magicka Drain |
NPCDrainMagicka1Novice |
0x0005dcb8 |
10 |
Novice |
Destruction |
Spell: Drain Magicka, 10 pts for 20 secs on Target |
Magicka Drain |
StandardDrainMagicka2Apprentice |
0x0004c90f |
41 |
Apprentice |
Destruction |
Spell: Drain Magicka, 30 pts for 30 secs on Touch |
Magicka Manifold |
DoomstoneMage |
0x0006a8ed |
0 |
Novice |
Restoration |
Power: Fortify Magicka, 50 pts for 120 secs on Self |
Magicka Vortex |
DLCTomeSpellStuntedMagicka3Journeyman |
0xST0012b8 |
140 |
Journeyman |
Restoration |
Spell: Absorb Magicka, 10 pts for 5 secs on Touch; Script Effect, for 30 secs on Touch; Weakness to Magic, 25% for 30 secs on Touch |
Major Bound Armor |
StandardBoundArmor2ApprenticeTest |
0x000c7626 |
60 |
Apprentice |
Conjuration |
Spell: Bound Cuirass, for 30 secs on Self; Bound Gauntlets, for 30 secs on Self |
Major Dispel |
StandardDispelSelf2Apprentice |
0x000a9831 |
47 |
Apprentice |
Mysticism |
Spell: Dispel, 45 pts on Self |
Major Enervation |
StandardDrainFatigue2Apprentice |
0x0003c3f0 |
31 |
Apprentice |
Destruction |
Spell: Drain Fatigue, 30 pts for 15 secs on Target |
Major Fortify Marksman |
DLC06FortifySkillMarskman2Apprentice |
0xDC0079bd |
34 |
Apprentice |
Restoration |
Spell: Fortify Marksman, 10 pts for 30 secs on Self |
Major Fortify Security |
DLC06FortifySkillSecurity2Apprentice |
0xDC00ba56 |
34 |
Apprentice |
Restoration |
Spell: Fortify Security, 10 pts for 30 secs on Self |
Major Fortify Sneak |
DLC06FortifySkillSneak2Apprentice |
0xDC00ba3c |
34 |
Apprentice |
Restoration |
Spell: Fortify Sneak, 10 pts for 30 secs on Self |
Major Life Detection |
StandardDetectLife2Apprentice |
0x000a97db |
30 |
Apprentice |
Mysticism |
Spell: Detect Life, 60 pts for 20 secs on Self |
Major Respite |
StandardRestoreFatigue2Apprentice |
0x000a9823 |
54 |
Apprentice |
Restoration |
Spell: Restore Fatigue, 80 pts on Self |
Major Wound |
StandardDrainHealth2Apprentice |
0x0004c913 |
43 |
Apprentice |
Destruction |
Spell: Drain Health, 15 pts for 10 secs on Target |
Manipulate Weather |
SE14WeatherSpell |
0x0005dd22 |
0 |
Novice |
Conjuration |
Power: Script Effect, for 15 secs on Self |
Mankar Camoran Birthsign |
AbBirthsignMankarCamoran |
0x0000528f |
0 |
Novice |
Restoration |
Ability: Fortify Magicka, 50 pts on Self; Reflect Damage, 25% on Self; Shield, 25% on Self; Reflect Spell, 25% on Self; Spell Absorption, 25 pts on Self; Fortify Sneak, 100 pts on Self |
Mannimarco Abilities |
MannimarcoAbility |
0x0000c6b3 |
0 |
Novice |
Restoration |
Ability: Resist Magic, 50% on Self; Resist Normal Weapons, 50% on Self; Resist Paralysis, 50 pts on Self; Fortify Intelligence, 20 pts on Self; Fortify Health, 100 pts on Self |
Mara's Blessing |
NDAbRewardBlessing02 |
0xKN000dff |
0 |
Novice |
Restoration |
Ability: Fortify Endurance, 5 pts on Self |
Mara's Gift |
BSRitualMaraGift |
0x00022a3a |
0 |
Novice |
Restoration |
Power: Restore Health, 200 pts on Self |
Mara's Grace |
DLCTomeSpellMarasGrace3Journeyman |
0xST0011ec |
123 |
Journeyman |
Illusion |
Spell: Light, 40 pts for 30 secs in 15 ft on Target; Turn Undead, up to level 7 for 30 secs in 15 ft on Target |
Mara's Mercy |
DoomstoneRitualMarasMercy |
0x0006a8ec |
0 |
Novice |
Restoration |
Power: Restore Health, 150 pts on Target |
Mara's Milk |
DoomstoneRitualMarasMilk |
0x0006a8eb |
0 |
Novice |
Restoration |
Power: Restore Health, 100 pts on Self |
Mara's Wrath |
DLCTomeSpellMarasFury4Expert |
0xST002841 |
388 |
Expert |
Destruction |
Spell: Fire Damage, 3 pts for 30 secs in 15 ft on Target; Turn Undead, up to level 8 for 30 secs in 15 ft on Target |
Marauder Mage Birthsign |
AbMarauderMageBirthSign |
0x000cb2fd |
0 |
Novice |
Restoration |
Ability: Fortify Magicka, 25 pts on Self |
Mark of Fire |
DLCTomeSpellFireMark3Journeyman |
0xST000cea |
75 |
Journeyman |
Destruction |
Spell: Fire Damage, 1 pt for 30 secs in 15 ft on Target |
Mark Test Area |
SEMarkTest4 |
0x00081c34 |
1 |
Journeyman |
Illusion |
Lesser Power: Frenzy, up to level 25 for 15 secs in 100 ft on Touch |
Mark Test Shock Shield |
SEMarkTest3 |
0x00040ba3 |
172 |
Expert |
Alteration |
Ability: Shock Shield, 100% for 5 secs on Self |
MarkSkullTest |
MarkSkullTest |
0x0000cf4b |
127 |
Journeyman |
Mysticism |
Ability: Reflect Spell, 100% on Self |
Markynaz Resist Magic |
AbDremora5MarkynazResist |
0x0003e9aa |
0 |
Novice |
Restoration |
Ability: Resist Magic, 45% on Self |
Masser's Alacrity |
DLCOrreryPower5 |
0xOR11dc66 |
0 |
Expert |
Restoration |
Power: Fortify Speed, 20 pts for 60 secs on Self; Drain Strength, 20 pts for 60 secs on Self |
Masser's Courage |
DLCOrreryPower8 |
0xOR11dc6c |
0 |
Expert |
Restoration |
Power: Fortify Endurance, 20 pts for 60 secs on Self; Drain Agility, 20 pts for 60 secs on Self |
Masser's Grace |
DLCOrreryPower2 |
0xOR11dc60 |
0 |
Expert |
Restoration |
Power: Fortify Agility, 20 pts for 60 secs on Self; Drain Endurance, 20 pts for 60 secs on Self |
Masser's Might |
DLCOrreryPower1 |
0xOR11dc5f |
0 |
Expert |
Restoration |
Power: Fortify Strength, 20 pts for 60 secs on Self; Drain Speed, 20 pts for 60 secs on Self |
Maximum Area Fireball |
TestMaxAreaFireball |
0x0000c152 |
662 |
Master |
Destruction |
Spell: Fire Damage, 5 pts in 500 ft on Target |
Mead Allergy |
DarkMead |
0x0006555c |
47 |
Novice |
Illusion |
Ability: Paralyze, on Self |
Merciful Touch |
NDLpGauntletsHealOther |
0xKN000e06 |
25 |
Novice |
Restoration |
Lesser Power: Restore Health, 50 pts on Touch |
Mesmerizing Grasp |
StandardCharmTouch2Apprentice |
0x000a97af |
35 |
Apprentice |
Illusion |
Spell: Charm, 24 pts for 30 secs on Touch |
Mind Numb |
LpWillOWispMindNumb |
0x0002b4f8 |
10 |
Apprentice |
Destruction |
Lesser Power: Damage Intelligence, 2 pts on Touch; Damage Willpower, 2 pts on Touch; Absorb Health, 8 pts for 5 secs on Touch; Absorb Magicka, 8 pts for 5 secs on Touch |
Mine Fire Effect |
TRAPFireDamage10Self |
0x000b52ad |
0 |
Expert |
Destruction |
Spell: Fire Damage, 1 pt for 5 secs in 14 ft on Target; Fire Damage, 30 pts in 14 ft on Target |
Mine Fire Effect 1 |
TRAPFireDamageSelf01 |
0x000055b6 |
0 |
Expert |
Destruction |
Spell: Fire Damage, 2 pts for 5 secs in 14 ft on Target; Fire Damage, 26 pts in 14 ft on Target |
Mine Fire Effect 2 |
TRAPFireDamageSelf02 |
0x000055b7 |
0 |
Expert |
Destruction |
Spell: Fire Damage, 4 pts for 5 secs in 14 ft on Target; Fire Damage, 32 pts in 14 ft on Target |
Mine Fire Effect 3 |
TRAPFireDamageSelf03 |
0x000055b8 |
0 |
Expert |
Destruction |
Spell: Fire Damage, 6 pts for 5 secs in 14 ft on Target; Fire Damage, 38 pts in 14 ft on Target |
Mine Fire Effect 4 |
TRAPFireDamageSelf04 |
0x000055b9 |
0 |
Expert |
Destruction |
Spell: Fire Damage, 8 pts for 5 secs in 14 ft on Target; Fire Damage, 44 pts in 14 ft on Target |
Mine Fire Effect 5 |
TRAPFireDamageSelf05 |
0x000055ba |
0 |
Expert |
Destruction |
Spell: Fire Damage, 10 pts for 5 secs in 14 ft on Target; Fire Damage, 50 pts in 14 ft on Target |
Mine Fire Effect 6 |
TRAPFireDamageSelf06 |
0x000055bb |
0 |
Expert |
Destruction |
Spell: Fire Damage, 12 pts for 5 secs in 14 ft on Target; Fire Damage, 60 pts in 14 ft on Target |
Minor Bound Armor |
StandardBoundArmor1NoviceTest |
0x000c7625 |
24 |
Novice |
Conjuration |
Spell: Bound Cuirass, for 20 secs on Self |
Minor Dispel |
StandardDispelSelf1Novice |
0x0008d1e9 |
22 |
Novice |
Mysticism |
Spell: Dispel, 25 pts on Self |
Minor Enervation |
StandardDrainFatigue1Novice |
0x0003c3ef |
12 |
Novice |
Destruction |
Spell: Drain Fatigue, 15 pts for 15 secs on Target |
Minor Fortify Marksman |
DLC06FortifySkillMarskman1Novice |
0xDC0079c0 |
14 |
Novice |
Restoration |
Spell: Fortify Marksman, 5 pts for 30 secs on Self |
Minor Fortify Security |
DLC06FortifySkillSecurity1Novice |
0xDC00ba55 |
14 |
Novice |
Restoration |
Spell: Fortify Security, 5 pts for 30 secs on Self |
Minor Fortify Sneak |
DLC06FortifySkillSneak1Novice |
0xDC00ba3b |
14 |
Novice |
Restoration |
Spell: Fortify Sneak, 5 pts for 30 secs on Self |
Minor Frost Shield |
MG04ResistFrost |
0x0006ef34 |
136 |
Apprentice |
Alteration |
Spell: Frost Shield, 15% for 45 secs on Self |
Minor Invisibility |
NPCInvisibility1Novice |
0x0005dcc1 |
24 |
Apprentice |
Illusion |
Spell: Invisibility, for 6 secs on Self |
Minor Latch Crack |
MG06UnLockSpell |
0x0001ceed |
23 |
Apprentice |
Alteration |
Spell: Open, Easy Lock on Target |
Minor Life Detection |
StandardDetectLife1Novice |
0x000a97dc |
15 |
Novice |
Mysticism |
Spell: Detect Life, 60 pts for 10 secs on Self |
Minor Magic Resistance |
StandardResistMagic3Journeyman |
0x0008d1ea |
128 |
Journeyman |
Restoration |
Spell: Resist Magic, 15% for 20 secs on Self |
Minor Respite |
StandardRestoreFatigue1Novice |
0x00027443 |
6 |
Novice |
Restoration |
Spell: Restore Fatigue, 15 pts on Self |
Minor Wound |
StandardDrainHealth1Novice |
0x0004c912 |
10 |
Novice |
Destruction |
Spell: Drain Health, 5 pts for 10 secs on Target |
Mirili's Apprent~ice Command |
SE37CommandCreature2Apprentice |
0x0007b219 |
62 |
Apprentice |
Illusion |
Spell: Command Creature, up to level 5 for 30 secs on Touch |
Mirili's Expert Command |
SE37CommandCreature4Expert |
0x0007b21b |
368 |
Expert |
Illusion |
Spell: Command Creature, up to level 20 for 30 secs on Touch |
Mirili's Journey~man Command |
SE37CommandCreature3Journeyman |
0x0007b21a |
191 |
Journeyman |
Illusion |
Spell: Command Creature, up to level 12 for 30 secs on Touch |
Monk Birthsign |
AbBirthsignMonk |
0x000051a6 |
6 |
Novice |
Restoration |
Ability: Resist Normal Weapons, 20% on Self |
Mooncalf |
BSShadowMooncalfUNUSED |
0x00022a4a |
0 |
Novice |
Restoration |
Ability: Fortify Personality, 20 pts on Self; Fortify Luck, 20 pts on Self |
Moonlight |
StandardLight2Apprentice |
0x000a9826 |
47 |
Apprentice |
Illusion |
Spell: Light, 30 pts for 120 secs on Self |
Moonshadow |
BSShadowMoonshadow |
0x00022a66 |
0 |
Novice |
Illusion |
Power: Invisibility, for 60 secs on Self |
Mora's Soul Trap |
DAHermaeusTrap |
0x0001c10e |
60 |
Novice |
Alteration |
Spell: Script Effect, for 120 secs in 1 ft on Target |