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Daggerfall Magic and Spells

09 February 2011

Magic plays a very important role in Daggerfall, making your life much easier if you use it well, but can also make your life difficult if used against you and you are not prepared. The information here comes from a variety of sources and as such may be incorrect. You may Contact the Webmaster any additions, corrections or suggestions.

Useful Spells - 23 November 1998
Several of the more useful/creative/weird spells created by Daggerfall players.
Schools of Magic - 4 March 1997
List of all the spells and what school of magic they belong too. Useful for determining which spell to cast to practice which school etc...

Schools of Magic
4 March 1997

The following is the list of known spells listed under the school of magic they belong too. Useful for creating a low cost practice type spell for each school. Note that although a spell may belong to two schools, the casting of that spell only improves one school, although the skill levels of both schools may affect the spells cost. For example, the Jump spell belongs to both Alteration and Restoration yet only improves the Alteration skill.

Destruction Alteration Illusion Restoration Mysticism Thaumaturgy
Energy Leech Force Bolt Chameleon Balyna's Antidote Banish Daedra Buoyancy
Fire Storm Free Action Invisibility Balyna's Balm Far Silence Calm Humanoid
Fireball Hand of Sleep Light Charisma Fenrik's Door Jam Charm Mortal
Force Bolt Jumping Polymorph Cure Disease Holy Touch Levitate
Frostbite Medusa's Gaze Shadow Form Cure Poison Holy Word Quiet Undead
God's Fire Paralysis Energy Leech Null Magicka Shalidor's Mirror
Hand of Decay Resist Cold Feet of Notorgo Open Spell Resistance
Hand of Sleep Resist Fire Fortitude Silence Spell Shield
Ice Bolt Resist Poison Free Action Soul Trap Spell Reflection
Ice Storm Resist Shock Heal Spell Reflection Tame
Lightning Shield Iron Will Tongues Water Walking
Magicka Leech Sleep Jack of Trades Wizard Lock
Shock Slowfalling Jumping Wizard Rend
Sleep Spell Drain Magicka Leech
Spell Drain Spell Resistance Nimbleness
Sphere of Negation Spell Shield Orc Strength
Strength Leech Spider Touch Recall
Toxic Cloud Water Breathing Spell Absorption
Vampiric Touch Water Walking Spell Resistance
Wildfire Wizard Rend Spell Shield
Wizard's Fire Stamina
Strength Leech
Troll's Blood
Vampiric Touch

Original Text Written by Lord Phoenix, Scribe of High Rock -

Useful Spells
23 November 1998

  1. Create Item spell. At level 8 I have made everything from leather cuirasses to daedric cuirasses and longswords and such. The duration on create item just marks the time that it takes before you can cast it again.
  2. Huge shield spell. It gives 1300 or so hp protection at my current level. (This lets you get cozy with even the worst sure to put a duration in there that makes it last a while to, then you can run around with it on and that way get the most out of it.. ;)
  3. I have a Very Long duration duel effect spell with shield and spell absorption. Shield only gives about 300 or so hp but this is really good for running around in a dungeon and has a low spell cost (this one I remember some Spell Absorb High chance, 90% or better. Use your level to make it that high not just initial chance, and duration, make it high also. I think mine lasts something like 60 rounds at my current level).
  4. This is a fav when out in the woods...;) (Great against those guys with no real majic ability. Be careful against nightblades and mages though ;) ) It is called Draino. It transfers majicka (large amounts instantly) and then does 220 hp worth of damage to the person (kills instantly, even deadra lords fall to this one (lesser chance though))
  5. Another fav...(especially for lower level chars. (lev 8-12 is best)) another duel spell, Paralysis and cont. damage (health). Great also against most, it is really comical (find a giant..heheheh) Zap them with this and it is save or die ;) Even if a save is made against the Paralysis they could still take the cont. damage (blood spurts out of `em, heheheh) Best use is for pickpocket and critical strike training, hit `em with the spell and watch them freeze as blood flows from them as they die. Pick their pockets constantly (or stand there at a short distance and watch ;) blood.. blood.. blood.. Plop they fall to the ground and you never even have to draw your sword ;)
  6. An interesting custom spell is "Identify Items". It is in the school of mysticism, and allows you to identify your magic items. Why bother to pay the Mages' Guild every time to identify your magic items? Using the trick mentioned above, you can have unlimited spell points to identify all your magic items. This is also the only way if there is no Mages' Guild nearby. You can try to identify all magic items using one spell, but it is not guaranteed to identify all items at once. Increase the "chance" when making the spell helps. However, sometimes, one item just refuse to be identified. You need to have some patience to fast travel, identify, fast travel, identify, etc. Also, if you cast this spell inside the Mages' Guild, you will still be charged as if you are asking the Guild to identify it for you! Go figure. Maybe the Guild has monopoly power inside the guild house. I wonder if in the future, Bethsoft wants to implement anti. .
  7. I found the custom spell "Invisible (TRUE)" very useful. You remain invisible even after you attacked. You can surprise one monster, kill it, remain invisible, and surprise another monster, ... I also found it useful when facing multiple monsters at the same time. It seems that if you are invisible, and do not attack an enemy, he/she/it can not figure out where you are, thus not charging toward you. Thus, being invisible allows you fight one monster at a time. However, it also seems to me that some undead can see invisible. After I cast invisible, Ghost, Lich, etc. still charge toward me, as if the spell is not there.

Original Text Written by Greg Rollan -
and Colin Hidson -

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