[Dave's Abode, 322x119 (4kb)]
Quake CTF Basics
09 February 2011

Table of Contents

  1. Definitions - Some definitions of words commonly used in the game and these pages.
  2. Description - Basic description of the game of Capture the Flag.


Abbreviation for capture often used to notify a flag carrier that the base is safe to capture the flag.
Capture The Flag. The object of the game is to protect your flag from the opposing team and attempt to bring the other teams flag back to your base. Also see: addictive, mind-blowing, intense
To kill something (good), to be killed (bad), ie. "Player gibbed Shadow", "That was an awesome gib", etc...
High Ping Buzzard, refers to someone with a dismally poor ping who like to watch Quake slide shows.
Random pauses or timeouts during a game caused by poor network connections. See also: instant death
Low Ping Buzzard, refers to anyone with a good ping (<100ms or so) who takes advantage of that fact.
Abbreviation for rockets, ie, "Anyone need some rocs?" or "I need rocs in base".


I won't go into too much detail here since its covered much better in other locations. CTF (Capture the Flag) consists of two teams (the red and blue) each with a flag and some level. The flags are initially located somewhere on the level which is known as the team base. One object of the game is to protect this base and your flag from enemies which will try and steal it. The other objective is to get the enemy flag back to your base and capture it. These two objectives go hand-in-hand since in order to capture your flag must be in your base so both are important for a successful game. In case your wondering, flags can be picked up just like any other item in Quake by merely running over it.

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This document was last modified on: Wednesday, 09 February 2011, at 21:22:00.