[Dave's Abode, 322x119 (4kb)]
Quake CTF Runes
09 February 2011

Creeper CTF introduces many new runes into the game for up to a total of 18 or so in later versions (allowing just about everyone in the game to have one). This greatly increases the scope of the game and allows for much more interesting tactics to be used instead of just a plain old shoot-out. Please note that for different Creeper versions the runes are slightly different (or may not even exist). This document is currently based on v1.2. Some of the information contained below comes directly from the rune info page at the Creeper web site and some from personal experience.

Pawn Rune
The pawn rune is a rune very different from any other. The only ability gained with the pawn is that any kills are worth 2 points instead of 1. However, if the pawn captures the flag they are promoted to a knight. A knight has a permanent 200 armor, water breathing, quad immunity and a ranged axe that does 75 points damage (much like the Samuri), and your max health will be increased to 100-250, depending on the difficult of the capture. This only works if you hold the pawn rune from the time you get the enemy flag to the time you capture. Also, if you capture and you are on the losing team all teammates get 250 health, 200 armor, full ammo, and a quad powerup. The knight gets a similar powerup with the addition of a 666 immunity.
Offensive Tactics:
Well, the pawn is very useless until you capture the flag. Once captured though the knight becomes a much more useful with the very good armor and max health. If you capture while on the losing team the multiple powerups can easily shift the battle to your advantage. The knight can be used equally efficiently on offense or defense and the increased statistics may make capturing the flag slightly easier. Using the axe is difficult so it's better to use another weapon (unless ammo is low).
Defensive Tactics:
The only thing you really need to know is...Don't let a pawn capture your flag if your the winning team. The multiple powerups the other team will get may be able to wipe out your defense and you might not be able to recover. The knight will be a difficult enemy to kill given the high armor and increased health so patience is the key.

Sky Rune
Sky has a permanent 150 armor and an increased max health of 120. You are also given a long range axe much like the Samurai which does 60 damage and appears as a lightning bolt. If you are using the axe rocket hits are supposedly deflected harmlessly aside but this doesn't appear to work very so don't trust it to save your life.
Offensive Tactics:
The increased armor and health means you'll survive a little longer in combat but using the axe is difficult so another weapon may be a better choice (unless ammo is critical). Probably best used as a offensive rune.
Defensive Tactics:
If the enemy is using the axe weapon dodging will make it very hard for you to be hit. But beware since the hit does damage equal to or greater than a rocket blast. The increased armor and health will make your enemy slightly more difficult to kill so patience is again key.

Sun Rune
This makes you immune to lava (although you can still drown in it) as well as making your shells and nails superheated. Both ammo types will leave molten embers of metal where they hit causing extra damage. The nails will cause small explosions when hitting a wall so you can damage nearby opponents without having a perfect aim. Embers of metal will cause more damage if they fall on an opponent. Also, if your opponent has a rune when you kill them, you get to keep the rune which you can drop later.
Offensive Tactics:
This is one very powerful rune if used correctly. The burning embers do massive damage comparable to having a quad and can take out just about any opponent in a second with good aim (even the werewolf). First, the super nailgun is the weapon of choice since it deals the most damage. Using the shotguns also work but create fewer embers. Use the fact that falling embers do more damage and aim for the ceilings above the opponent (where the ceiling is relatively low). Gather rune from your fallen foes and drop them in your base for yout teammates. I remember once, in the space of 5 minutes, I had gathered about 10-15 runes from killing...something which can easily help with a victory. Use the lava immunity to hide in and to gather ammo packs. I don't believe the quad powerup increases the damage done by the embers, but just the nails/shells. The embers create a good deal of temporary light and can be used to illuminate dark corners searching for hiding enemies or the shadow's grapple. I would suggest using this as a defensive rune since you don't want the enemy to get it and it doesn't provide any damage resistance. I prefer to use this as a mid to long range defense, intercepting incoming/roaming enemies, bringing any collected runes back to base. Because of the power winning a fire-fight becomes much more assured. This is one of my favorite runes to use.
Defensive Tactics:
It is very dangerous to fight an opponent who properly uses this rune since they can quickly kill you even if you hold a powerful rune. The embers and nail-explosions means your opponent doesn't have to hit you to cause damage, or even in a line-of-fire because of the falling embers (they do a lot of damage so look up). Your best bet is to do your best to run/dodge/seek assistance and try to get the opponent to run out of nails. The super nailgun eats up ammo fast and once the nails are gone your opponent will be somewhat easier to kill. Be cautious and don't be afraid to run....don't forget if the enemy kills you they get your rune to take back to their base.

Aiming Rune
If you are using one of the shotguns this rune will automatically target the nearest enemy. The damage done to the enemy will vary depending on the weapon they are using (more damage to opponents using the rocket launcher). Also, incoming rockets can be deflected when the shotgun is fired, no matter which direction they are coming from (deflected rockets will bank upwards).
Offensive Tactics:
This rune can be very useful on both positions. Since the favorite weapon is the rocket launcher, using the double-shotgun can quickly take out enemies while on defense (especially if quaded) and can protect you and teammates by deflecting rockets. Similarily on offense using the single-shotgun (higher rate of fire) means few if any rockets will hit you allowing 'easier' entrances/exits to the enemy base or fire-fights. It can also be handy as a sniper since no aiming is required and the shot cannot be traced. One of the more useful advantages of this weapon is that it also targets any invisible enemy effectively countering the shadow rune. When using this be careful when opponents switch from the rocket launcher to another weapon. When this happens you might want to switch to a more powerful weapon since your shots will now do less damage. Also, the rocket deflection isn't 100% effective, especially at close range and with the slow double-shotgun.
Defensive Tactics:
A opponent with this rune can be troublesome, especially if you are low on health or can't see them. The first thing to do is to switch to a weapon other than the rocket launcher (the thunderbolt or nailgun are good choices). This is because any rockets you fire probably won't hit your opponent, and secondly since you are dealt much more damage when using the rl. If you can't see (or can't effectively reach) your opponent merely duck behind an obstacle or corner. An opponent with this rune is especially deadly if you have shadow and should be made one of your first targets. Once the opponent is located and weapon switched they should be relatively easy to be dispatched. Beware, though, a quaded opponent since they can easily take you out. Your best bet in that case is to run among teamates so the damage is dealt out evenly instead of on just one of you.

Ally Rune
This is a powerful rune which prevents the holder from being killed if they are near a teammate (health will not be reduced below 1). The ally also shares whatever he/she picks up to nearby teammates. Beware of opponents with the witch, vampire, or banshee runes since they are capable of killing an ally.
Offensive Tactics:
This rune is almost always a key to a victory in a level. The team with this rune can get ally quads or 666s which can greatly upset the balance in their favour. The usual position of the ally is to take up position at a quad powerup and remain their for the duration of the level. Similarily with 666s and other powerups although you don't want to wander around too much. The range which teammates must be in is large but it is very easy to get out of range and die having only 1 health, especially on large levels. The ally must be very wary of opponents with the vampire rune. If the vampire attacks the ally they will drain health and kill any nearby teammates. This makes it possible for one vampire to wipe out an entire enemy base by merely attacking the ally. The only thing you can do when attacked by the vampire is attempt to run, and at worst drop the rune. Opponents with the witch rune have a chance to make you drop the ally rune so be wary of them as well. If the ally kills an opponent with the banshee rune the ally will die (rumoured). In certain cases the ally can be used offensively but this risks losing it to the opposing team. However if done properly the ally is capable of taking out all opponents in their base. Unfortunately the ally is not permitted to pick up the enemy flag.
Defensive Techniques:
Attacking the ally is useless unless you have the vampire, witch, or possibly the banshee rune. Your best bet is the vampire rune since it drains and kills any nearby teammates to the ally (very handy if you are quaded). If you are witch you have a chance to make the ally drop their rune. The banshee may be able to kill the ally but only if the ally kills you first (you then kill the ally with your death scream, maybe). If you're anyone else either run away or pick another target. Running away is a good option since the ally can fire at you without worrying about dieing. There are special circumstances where this isn't the case though. If the ally is too far from their teammates they can be killed by anyone. It never hurts to fire a few shots at them since they usually have low health anyways (typically they only have 1 health). It is important to try to have your team acquire the ally rune on most levels so let your team know where the ally is in case one of your teammates has the witch or vampire rune.

Banshee Rune
The banshee rune is certainly a unique and interesting one. A scream weapon replaces the thunderbolt (#8) and is capable of recharging cells (around 20 every few seconds) up to 999. Picking up cell boxes doesn't increase the number of cells. The damage done to nearby opponents is equal to the nearby of cells currently being carried. Be warned that you will also take damage equal to 1/2 the number cells carried so a big scream will most likely kill you. Also, if you carry more than 50 cells when you are killed, and your opponent is within a line of sight your killer will be damaged for twice the total cells carried. Furthur, if your killer carries the ally rune it is possible the ally will die. The actual effects and range of the scream are not well defined. I've stood right next to an enemy banshee when they screamed and took no damage (while everyone else nearby died). Conversely, I've been very far-away from the screamer with a good rune, full health etc... and died instantly.
Offensive Tactics:
While this does make a good weapon while on offense the best position to carry this rune is actually on defense. I've found it works better for some reason when there are few enemies in sight, such as a lone opponent who just took your flag. One scream with 999 cells will kill yourself but will also get the enemy flag carrier 9 times out of 10 (if your within range). This makes for a great 'last resort' defense just before that opponent reaches the door with your flag. Since its your base the rune should be relatively safe from enemies who might pick it up. This rune is also great for finding a hidden shadow opponent in your base. Merely scream before the cells recharge enough to kill you and any nearby shadow will be revealed (its very annoying for the shadow...trust me). It can also be used as a good offensive weapon...merely build your cells up to 999, jump into the enemy base and scream. Any opponents left standing should be hurting and your teammates take care of the rest. This is a dangerous tactics however since killing any opponent is chancy. I've seen screams which killed nobody, and screams which take out 5 or 6 people. In any case inform your teammates when you are going to scream so they can be nearby to pick-up packs and take out anyone left standing. Also screaming in the enemy base essentially gives the banshee rune to the enemy which can then do the same against your base. I myself prefer to keep it away from enemy hands as much as possible.

Ninja Rune
The main advantage of this rune is that the grappling hook has a greatly increased speed allowing you to almost instantly attach to whatever you're aiming at. The ninja also has a sniper mode while standing still which quads everything he/she shoots. The sniper mode only works when standing still, not grappled to something, and is disabled if you move or are shot. The sniper mode is equivlant to a quad so a quadded-ninja still only gets 4x damage in sniper mode.
Offensive Tactics:
This rune works very well on both offensive and defensive fronts, mostly depending on the level. For levels with wide open spaces I prefer to use this on offensive since the instant hook makes you virtually impossible to hit. Even on levels where space is limited this can still work effectively but you tend to get caught up on things since its so fast. The key here is to plan your attack and escape before you go in. All it takes is to be caught on a overhang for a 1/2 second for an opponents rocket to find you. If you do get caught up on something start to move around elsewhere in the room to lose your attackers until you can make a try for the exit(s) again. If you have good reflexes this method can easily get you many captures in a row until your opponents catch on. Also in big bases where the enemy can see you coming, don't go for the flag right away, bounce around a bit, fire a few rockets, and then go for it. Because of the sniper mode this rune also works very well in a defensive position, that is if you can find a good spot to snipe from. Since you can't hang or move in assassin mode this limits the available positions but most levels have good ones. Also, try to find a spot where incoming foes won't be able to fire on you right away since this ruins the sniper mode as well. Finding a good spot means that almost any incoming attacker is dead before they know what hit'em. Also an important note, the hook's speed is not instant. For walls very far away there is a noticable delay, but it is still much faster than the normal grapple.
Defensive Tactics:
Its very hard to hit a ninja opponent who is grappling around everywhere, almost impossible. The aiming rune is a good countermeasure, especially if quadded. Instead of aiming for the ninja, aim to where you think they may be headed (such as your flag, or an exit, etc...). Watch to see if the ninja does get caught up on something and then fire a few shots to hopefully gib them. When fighting a ninja in sniper mode it is very important to hit them first. Hitting them ruins the snipers mode and means you won't turn into tiny particles when that rocket hits you. Make the ninja move to produce a more even fire-fight.

Ramming Rune
This is one of the more potent runes which turns you into a jumping maniac. The ram gets a permanent 175 armor (early versions read 150 but was actually 200) which halves damage taken. You also get a special long jump while running. If you hit an opponent while jumping you deal considerable damage, enough to kill most foes outright. You also only take 1/4 damage when jumping. You are also capable of bumping players out of the way, useful in a crowded hall when you have the flag.
Offensive Tactics:
This is another one of my favorite runes which works well offensive or defensively. The permanaent armor means you live a lot longer and if there are plenty of health packs around you can survive quite a few blows. Since the long jump also decreases damage taken its important to jump all the time in order to survive longer. Also, the long jump covers a lot of ground quickly and is a great way to make a speedy escape. It does take a little running start to get a successful jump so practice a bit to get the hang of it. It is tricky to hit people with the jump, especially in open places (narrow corridors are death traps for any opponent) as well as uneven or unlevel areas such as stairs or ramps. The key to success in open spaces is to anticipate where your opponent will be and jump there, not where the opponent currently is. Its nice when the enemy is engaged with someone else and not aware of you. If the opponent is aware of you trying to ram him any competant foe can manage to dodge your jumps. If you do manage to hit them though, its almost a guaranteed kill 9 times out of 10. I personally like to use the ram on defense and run/jump a perimeter defense. The fact that you can bump anyone out of the way is useful in many suituations but be very careful with your teammates around lava. I've bumped, and have been bumped, into lava/acid many times and it's not fun. I try to stay out of such a base/area or grapple around if I have to. On the other hand, bumping opponents into lava is great fun, although you don't get the satisfaction of getting a higher score or their ammo pack.
Defensive Tactics:
Fighting an opponent with the ram rune is a tough job indeed. The permanent armor halves any damage you deal and the foe not only fires at you with the regular weapons, but their jump can kill you instantly if it hits. The long jump of the ram also makes them much harder to hit and they can withdraw from a fight just as fast as with a grapple. Your main key to victory here is 'Don't get hit!'. If possible, get up on another level, grapple somewhere, etc... so the ram's jump becomes ineffective. If on the same level a tight circling action prevents the ram from being able to jump straight at you. Over all its a very dangerous fight and unless properly prepared the ram usually wins. Grappling to the ram is also deadly since you essentially bounce back and forth and die quickly.

Shadow Rune
This rune makes you completely invisible, ie, no glow, no eyes, no flag etc... although it only works when you are using the grappling hook or axe. It takes some time to becoming invisible, especially if you have the enemy flag (10 seconds). Also, if you bump into someone or take damage you will become visible, either as eyes or completely, depending on the damage taken. One important note is that the grapple is visible when you use it so beware when in the company of your enemy. When invisible your axe does extra damage and can take out most people in one or two hits.
Offensive Tactics:
I will say that this is my all time favorite rune which is excellent when used on the offense. There's so much you can do with this so where to start. Its very handy to infiltrate the enemy base and take people out one by one. Use the look impulse (141) to identify people and the rune they are carrying. Target those people who can be easily killed or are important (such as the king, etc...). Avoid opponents with powerful runes who you couldn't kill in a few hits (werewolf, ally, etc...). Since the king arthur rune is very important to a victory I like to target this one first, steal it and return to base. Be warned that once you kill someone the enemy will be alerted to your presence so finding a good hiding spot is required. Don't use your grapple since this is visible in the air and if attached to a wall and the sound can be heard as well. The best spot if you have to grapple is to find a dark corner to attach to. Beware of the aim and banshee runes since both of these can spoil your inivisibilty. Attempt to destroy the aim carrier first if possible. You can't touch the banshee so avoid them at all costs. Another great tactic is to get into one the sniper nests located on some of the ctf levels. The opponents in there assume they are safe...until you hack them to pieces. Take the ammo and return to base and drop it for your teammates. When travelling you always have to be careful of being hit and becoming visible. Take the less used routes and avoid fire-fights (unless your teammates need you of course). On some levels it may be impossible to get inside an enemy base, especially if they have the king rune and are firing continously. Not much you can do here except look for and take out enemy stragglers outside base or wait for a lull in the firing. If you decide to get the enemy flag be aware you will become visible for at least ten seconds, more if you get hit. If you are quick with the grapple you can become invisible while being fired at, but in most levels it is improbable that you will survive. Your best beat is to hide somewhere safe near the flag where you won't get hit. You can wait until your teammates arrive and distract the enemy so you can grab it and hopefully escape long enough to become invisibile. A better method is to let your teammates take the enemy flag. All the enemy will follow their flag leaving the base mostly empty...except for you. When the flag is returned (either captured or the carrier gets killed) grab it and run. Since the base is empty resistance will be minimal allowing a very easy capture. Do note that when you grab the flag and no ones around you don't have to run for you base right away. You might happen to meet someone along the way in the next 10 seconds. Instead of running right away look for an area nearby to hide in. It doesn't have to be a great spot, around a corner, up to the ceiling etc... although some levels have great ones very near the flag. Wait until your invisible and exit the base easily, being very careful not to hit anyone or else the flag will show for a few seconds. On some levels its even possible to grab the flag while the defenders are still in the base and not directly looking at the flag. By the time they turn or arrive at the flag spot you've grappled to a hiding spot which is nearby and they are left scratching their heads (although a few smart players will find you sometimes before you get invis). Another tactic is too run around the level, even the enemy base, collecting ammo for your team. You can collect a surprising amount from some enemy bases. Well, needless to say, the offensive possibilties for this rune are great if you are careful. You can use this rune defensively but its uses are limited. I sometimes hide in my own base to give the impression that their are less defenders than there really are, popping up and firing when I need to. This method can also be used offensively in some cases. Find a good snipers nest not very visible. Quickly switch to a weapon and fire and then select the grapple/axe quickly. The time you are visible remains quite short and your opponent is left wondering where that rocket came from. It works best firing from above and on an enemy with their back to you.
Defensive Tactics:
Well, its hard to defend against something you can't see, but stil possible. Both the aim and banshee rune counter this runes effects. Also random firing around your base on occasions often uncovers a shadow hiding in the corners (the air first works well too). Listen for axe attacking sounds in your base, or teammates being spontaneously killed. Look and (listen for the grapple with no one attached to it or for a lone grapple attached to the wall, sure signs of an enemy shadow. Moving around constantly make it almost impossible for the shadow to attack you with the axe. Also, being somewhere which requires the shadow to grapple to you puts a good barrier to being shadow axed. Make sure at least one teammate is looking at the flag at all times, preventing a shadow from taking the flag and hiding before you get a chance to see where they went. When chasing a shadow with your flag do anything possible to make sure they don't become invisible. Switch to a different weapon such as a nailgun/shotgun to make sure you hit them once and a while, preventing them from becoming invisible.

King Arthur
The king runes is a powerful one which regenerates your health, ammo, and armour as well as all your nearby teammates. In addition, all damage you take is halved.
Offensive Tactics:
Defensive Tactics:

With this rune you can become invulnerable when you stand still. This invulnerablility takes a few seconds depending on how much you have been moving. You can still turn and remain invulnerable but not move or shoot. This does not work if you are currently carrying the flag. In addition, the monk rune allows one to breath under water and you are not knocked about by rockets or grenades.
Offensive Tactics:
Defensive Tactics:

The thor rune gives you a thunderbolt that has unlimited ammunition and that works underwater (without discharging). You also become immune to other's discharge's. In newer versions you can energize teammates (give them quad) by attacking them for several seconds.
Offensive Tactics:
Defensive Tactics:

Vampire is a powerful rune that gives you health when you damage other players. Your max health is extended to 135 and you get a permanent armour of 135 (50% damage reduction). Your health slowly decreases over time which forces you to attack or get health packs or die. You cannot drop the vampire rune after your first kill. When attacking the ally you also take health from any of his nearby teammates (shown as a bloodfeast).
Offensive Tactics:
Defensive Tactics:

This rune allows one to pick up any nearby item without touching it (even through walls/floors). You cannot grab an enemy flag this way but it does help with returning your own.
Offensive Tactics:
Defensive Tactics:

Werewolf gains a permanant armour of 125 and maximum health is increased to 125. You also damage opponents whenever you touch them. You also regenerate health which gets faster the longer you go without being damaged.
Offensive Tactics:
Defensive Tactics:

When you have this rune and hit an opponent, it causes them to jump for 4 seconds and shoot uncontrollably for 2 seconds. This counters an invulnerable monk opponent. This rune also allows you breath underwater.
Offensive Tactics:
Defensive Tactics:

Regen with regenerate your health up to 200 as well as repair and upgrade armour. With enough time it may even start to regen ammo. The max health from mega health packs is 999.
Offensive Tactics:
Defensive Tactics:

Haste doubles your rate of fire and now has ammo regeneration similar to king arthur but a little slower. Also the blast damage from rockets and grenades have more pushing force.
Offensive Tactics:
Defensive Tactics:

Resistance is now immune to lava acid and quad (you still take regular damage from a quad hit but no armour is lost). Your rate of armour lost due to a regular hit is also lower.
Offensive Tactics:
Defensive Tactics:

Doubles the damage done by your hits. When quadded the effective damage is 8x normal.
Offensive Tactics:
Defensive Tactics:

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This document was last modified on: Wednesday, 09 February 2011, at 21:22:00.