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Redguard: Confronting N'Gasta

09 February 2011

You've learned that Iszara most likely went to see the Necromancer to try and restore the soul of Prince A'tor, and you've found the flask of Lillandril that will protect you from his magic, now you just have to find him...

Pre-Requesite Quests: The Flask of Lillandril
Following Quests: Retreiving the Soulgem
Location: Isle of N'Gasta
Required Items: Flask of Lillandril
Items to be Received: Soul of Iszara, Gold Key
Monsters to be Faced: Two Demons, N'Gasta
Difficulty: Medium-Hard, some tough monsters, good timing required and a little wisdom

Quick Walkthrough

  1. Return to the Isle of N'Gasta and enter the Necromancer's Lair
  2. Defeat the two demons inside the entrance and pick up the glass vial in the West room.
  3. Fill the vial with the yellow liquid in the cauldron.
  4. Pour the potion into the purple pit.
  5. Jump into the pit and be blasted onto the walkway.
  6. Confront N'Gasta at the top and defeat using the flask.
  7. Cast the spell to create a portal to Clavicus Vile.
  8. Confront Clavicus and wager your soul for the soul of Iszara.
  9. Choose the right door and enjoy the cutscene that follows.
  10. Continue on with Retreiving the Soulgem in the catacombs.

Detailed Walkthrough

Necromancer's Lair
Return to the Isle of N'Gasta and enter his tower. Just inside are two tough demons ready to rip you apart. You may wish to use a strength and ironskin potion here to aid you. I found the best strategy was to run to the left up the stairs. One demon follows and the other is left below, allowing you to take them on one at a time. You can't defend against their attacks so just hack and slash. They take 5-7 hits or so.

Another technique discovered totally by accident on how to handle those two is as follows. Usually in a new area I ignore the guards and run around and get myself oriented, and I'd gone into the cauldron room before I decided to turn around and "make my stand", so to speak. I couldn't find them! There looked to be a skeleton in the bottom of the pit, but for all I knew, it could have been there when I first entered. I tried it again -- same thing. Next time I watched them as I went along, and saw them jumping into the pit. Running right to the far side of the pit when you enter works, too. (I of course restored again and killed both of them, just in case one of them had been carrying the crown jewels and had been ready to give them to me).

Reaching the Path
The path to reach N'Gasta is the spiral route up to the top. Unfortunately the path has been destroyed and there is no visible means to reach it. Enter the room on the West and grab the glass vial on the shelf. Fill it with the yellow liquid sitting in the cauldron there. Enter the main room and stand in fron the purple pit facing the part of the path you wish to reach (should be facing South-West or so). Pour the liquid into the pit and a short mini-cutscene will play. As soon as it finishes jump into the pit. If you time it right the explosion should blow you onto the pathway. It would be a good time to save before you try this since its a bit tricky to get the jump timed just right. Also, touching the purple stuff in the pit will kill you instantly. The explosion it works as long as you want to keep playing with it. I poured at least a dozen potions down into the pit to see if it would change at some point (or all get blown out), but it never changed.

At the very top you'll find the body of Iszara and the necromancer waiting for you. After a lengthy conversation with N'Gasta he will attack you. Ready the flask of Lillandril as you current item and use it. You should go into a half-kneeling position. You are now invulnerable to his spell attacks, as long as you aren't turned too far away from him. After a while you will start absorbing and firing back the incoming spells. Make sure you always face N'Gasta, which is difficult because he teleports around after each attack. After a few hits he should cease to be.

If you haven't already wondered what the book says in NaGasta's tower, I have. It reads in Daedric symbols

I just thought it was interesting, it concerns Clacius Vile if I remember right, and is just another example of how Bethesda has intertwined their games, because it requires the Battlespire instruction booklet to be decoded.

Reaching Clavicus Vile
During your conversation with the late N'Gasta, he should have mentioned that it is Clavicus Vile that is in present possession of your sisters soul. Now all you must do is cast a spell to reach him...fortunately the necromancer's lab is well stocked with the appropiate ingrediants. Note that if you visited the destroyed cabin South-West of town you will already have some of the required ingrediants, but if you don't, there are some here to use. There is a spell book there that cryptically tells you what to do. I couldn't read it in the 3DFX version again so I extracted the appropiate image on the right. Not exactly obvious, is it? At any rate here is the solution (which I may try to explain later):
  • Jacinth and Rising Sun: Mix the Orcs Blood and the Amber
  • Snow Blankets the Grass: Unicorn Horn and Hist Sap
  • Night and Mid-Day Sky: Daedra's Heart and Ectoplasm
I guess it makes some sense at any rate. Once you've mixed the three, pour them onto the symbol in the center of the room in that order. A portal should be created when you are successful. Enter the portal to visit Clavicus Vile.
[Gate Spell, 207x256(22kb)
Recipe for Gate Spell

Clavicus Vile
Talk to Clavicus and watch the strange dog. There is nothing in this area besides them. You may need to offer up the flask as a gift. Eventually you come to the point of trying to buy Iszara's soul. The only successful offer is your soul. Make the deal to gamble your soul so Iszara's, an all or nothing game. Mr. Vile will give you the riddle of two gates, one of them to failure and the loss of both yours and Iszara's souls, and the other to victory. There are two doormen, one always tells the truth, the other always lies. You may ask one question to one of the guardians and then choose an entrance. You must ask both the right question, and choose the correct door, otherwise both doors will lead to death. This is an old puzzle I believe, although I'm not sure who first thought it up (I first saw it on a Dr. Who episode). The correct question to ask is: Which door would the other say is correct? If you ask the truthful one, he will point to the wrong door since the untruthful would lie. Similarily, if you asked the untruthful one he would also point to the wrong door since he would lie about what the truthful one would point to. Thus, the correct door is the other door which the guardian says (in any case, its the right one).

You now see a nice cutscene of restoring Iszara's soul amoung others. You learnt from N'Gasta that Lord Richton now has the Soulgem of Prince A'tor, the amulet you delivered previously (doh!). Your task is to find the soulgem and get rid of that pesky dragon (hehe...gulp).

Continue on with the Retreiving the Soulgem walkthrough.
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Many thanks to Ranger - and to for their contributions to this walkthrough.

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This document was last modified on: Wednesday, 09 February 2011, at 21:22:01 and has been accessed 6870 times ( /redguard/quest/kngasta.shtml ).

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