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Redguard: Starting Out

09 February 2011

This page contains some general quest related tips and some things one should do when first starting a game. Since the game is quite non-linear is very difficult to give a precise and complete walkthrough. There may be many possible directions one may take to solve a particular quest, especially with regards to talking to NPCs.

  1. Talk to NPCs: This is very much an adventure game so expect to do a lot of talking to NPCs, especially when you first start. If you seem stuck at a dead end, try revisiting these people too see if one of the holds a clue or information you need. This is especially important when you first start. Visit at least the following people:
    1. Kotaro (by docks)
    2. Siona (by docks)
    3. Trithick
    4. Lakene
    5. Gerrick (general store)
    6. Dreekius (Draggin Tale)
    7. Tobias (Draggin Tale)
    8. Mariah
    9. Brother Nidal (temple)
    10. Krisandra (silversmith)
    11. Maiko (cartographer)
    12. J'ffer (bookstore)
    13. Favis (bell tower)
    14. Falicia (mages guild)
    15. Brennan (ship captain)
    16. Erasmo (observatory)
    17. Prnell (Harbour tower)
    18. Avik (snake charmer, tip him)
    That about covers the main characters (for now at least). You'll probably go stir crazy by the 20th time you hear about the forebears and crowns, but it provides useful background information to get you into the game. Talking with these people will also start some of the quests you'll be involved with later.

  2. Buy Some Items There are a number of items you should invest in since you'll need them at one time or another. All of the items below can be found at the General Store.
    1. Compass, use it to show the direction your facing. Very useful, especially for some parts of this walkthrough.
    2. Shovel, needed to dig several things up.
    3. Feather, not required but can make your travelling faster.
    4. Aloe, not required but can make healing a lot cheaper.
    5. Torch, required to complete some quests but you should find plenty in dungeons.

  3. Practice Sword Fighting: Although there are sometimes opportunites to avoid a fight, you're going to have kill to eventually. The best place to practice is in the Draggin Tale (after you talk to Tobias and Dreekius). Its a great practice to fight with multiple opponents, no matter how bad they are. Remember that the key in a sword fight is patience.

  4. Explore: You can find alot of interesting things around the island by exploring, some useful and some just for looks. This of course includes the odd gold purse lying around, very useful for buying healing potions. Please note that you can have, at most, 500 gold at any time. You can have up to 10,000 potions so spend your extra cash on these.

  5. Take Notes: I've been taking notes while playing games since I first started. Yes, there is a log book within the game to record the more important facts, but its always helps to be able to look back at what you did and some of the important things which the logbook doesn't record. In the four days I've played the game I've already amassed some 20+ pages of notes (although you don't have to record that much nessecarily).

  6. Bored or Stuck: If you've become bored talking with people and would really like some action, there are a few quests one can do from the start. Talk to Kotaro (bald guy sitting by the docks) and ask him about the job he's offering (great source of gold). Also, check out the goblin mines beneath the waterfall just West of town. Additionally, the Dwarven mines can be accessed with minimal preparation.
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