If you are having problems with Simple Search returning blank results. The most common cause is an invalid $basedir. If the script can't find the files that you are trying to search, it will return blank results. What is the correct path? That all depends on your setup. I can't help you with that. However, I can help you, help yourself. I took Matt's original Simple Search script and added some debug information to it. You should set up the script "search.pl.plus" the same way you would the original script (In other words, read the README file). Then make sure that $debug = "1"; is set. Run the script like normal by searching for words you know exist. Instead of the search results, you will see DEBUG MODE ON, and a list of files found where you are pointing to in your $basedir. If the files being displayed are not what you expected, your $basedir is wrong. Remember it has to be a full path, usually located off of your /home directory. It will never look like this: $basedir="/"; or $basedir=""; Also do NOT start a $basedir with http:// It will fail! Once you have the correct $basedir set up, you can change $debug = "0"; and your script should function normally. However, I won't guarantee that it will. This has worked for some people, but not for everyone. If you don't like it, don't use it... There are other/better search scripts available at http://www.cgi-resources.com In addition to that, I added a "Hit Counter" (debug mode must be off). Also added a "Failed Results" screen (when searches actually fail). 4/1/99 - Added an @ignore array to allow you to ignore directories or sub-directories from your search criteria. Also added a switch $disp_ignore, that if set to 1 will display the ignored directories on the results page, and if set to 0, will not display them. Also improved the file specs for debug mode. I also added dozens of comments to the script that should help you in setting up your variables. 12/02/1999 - Improved the debug mode a little... Now if the change to the $basedir is unsuccessful, you will be notified. The Puppet Master