To the Morrowind Developement Staff: Greetings, WebMaster of the Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages here... Just an idea I've been pondering for some time now and would like your honest opinion. Just about every other type of computer game has titles that include a certain degree of customization via editors, whether official or not. Every game type except RPGs that is, where there is more room for custom things than any other type I feel. Unfortunately, as I'm sure your aware, designing a game to allow easy 3rd party editting, or including official editors, is difficult due to time constraints and support issues. The idea I'm offering is to let someone else do it for you (I had myself in mind, although I'm sure there are plenty of others just as qualified and capable of doing so). Essentially, you would supply the nessecary data files/source code/file formats to an individual to develop unofficial editors or file format documentation during the developement of Morrowind. By the time the game is released, there would be a bunch of unofficial editors or file format descriptions already completed and ready for the gaming 'hoard'. Support: Since the actual editors would be created outside of Bethesda, there would be no need for you to support them. Any support would be offered by the author of the editor. Time: Minimal since you only need to supply little information on the file formats and any few questions along the way. Cost: Free (can't beat that eh?). Whoever develops the editors does so only for the enjoyment of ES games and the complete lack of a normal life. Any unofficial editor would be freeware as would any unofficial add-on. Expandable: If I know a game can be editted and have an unlimited number of add-ons (official or otherwise), I'm more likely to buy the game since the replayability of the game is greatly enhanced. I'm pretty sure the majority of other gamers feel this way as well. I'll leave it at that since I'm sure sure you're busy enough doing whatever you do. Let me know what you think of the idea either way, thanks. Sincerely, Dave Humphrey