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Cutter (0x0001207e)

  • Record Type: NPC_
  • Name: Cutter
  • Editor ID: SECutter
  • Form ID: 0x0001207e
  • Source File: Oblivion.esm.mod
  • Patch Status: FormID has not been modified.
Parameter Value
Race Wood Elf (0x000223c8)
Gender Female
Class Smith (0x0001c823)
ACHR (if unique) SECutterRef (0x00013b47)
NumLevel 0
NPC Level 10
NPC Health 112
NPC Magicka 112
SCRI SECutterSCRIPT (0x0005090e)
Model Characters\_Male\skeleton.nif
Essential 1
Respawn 0
Autocalc 0
Offset 0
No Lowlevel 0
No Rumors 0
Summonable 0
No Persuasion 0
Corpse Check 1
Magicka Raw 112
Fatigue Raw 207
Gold 1200
Level Raw 10
Calcmin 1
Calcmax 0
Aggression 5
Confidence 50
Energy 100
Responsibility 60
Mercweap 1
Mercarmor 1
Mercclot 0
Mercbook 0
Mercingred 0
Merclight 1
Mercapp 0
Mercmisc 1
Mercspel 0
Mercmagic 0
Mercpot 0
Train 0
Recharge 1
Repair 1
Trainskl Armorer
Trainlvl 0
Armorer Raw 44
Athletics Raw 15
Blade Raw 44
Block Raw 15
Blunt Raw 44
Hand To Hand Raw 44
Heavy Armor Raw 44
Alchemy Raw 16
Alteration Raw 11
Conjuration Raw 6
Destruction Raw 6
Illusion Raw 6
Mysticism Raw 6
Restoration Raw 6
Acrobatics Raw 11
Light Armor Raw 39
Marksman Raw 16
Mercantile Raw 34
Security Raw 6
Sneak Raw 16
Speechcraft Raw 6
Health Raw 112
Strength Raw 62
Intelligence Raw 45
Willpower Raw 35
Agility Raw 55
Speed Raw 63
Endurance Raw 55
Personality Raw 40
Luck Raw 50
Dialogue Dialogue Text
0x0008e809 You are not a member of the society. Watch if you must, but don't get in the way.
0x0007f44d Please leave! These are private moments!
0x0007f44e Visit me during store hours. These are private moments.
0x0001e43b They call me Cutter. For a truly inspired blade, I can forge Madness Ore! Here. Hold onto this parchment. It lists what I need.
0x0001e43c Something smooth and sharp? Leave your foes sticky with blood.
0x0001e43d I do delicate things with Madness Ore. It tingles across the flesh when it cuts.
0x0001e43e You remain faithful. That is good. I will cut your throat if you visit that other smith.
0x0001e43f You have been unfaithful. His blades are dull and uninspired. Mine are sharp and exquisite.
0x0001e440 Do you enjoy it? Cutting my heart? Why visit that other smith?
0x0001e441 Why visit that other smith? Piercing flesh with my blades doesn't satisfy you?
0x00073026 Do you long for a blade? To cut with? Yes?
0x00081d8a Lord! How may I serve You? Do You require a sharp blade to bleed your enemies?
0x00081d62 Hello there! Can I cut you a deal?
0x00081d63 Good to see you again. Do you need me to sharpen your blades?
0x00081d66 Have you brought me some Madness Ore?
0x00081d67 I have the sharpest blades. I test them out on myself before I put them on sale. They are deliciously keen.
0x00073119 Would you like a blade to cut open your foes?
0x00081d82 My Lord is looking sharp!
0x00041057 Going so soon? Come back when your blades need sharpening.
0x00041058 Go. Sink your blade deep into the flesh of your enemies.
0x00041059 When your blade bites into your foe and he screams in pain, think of me.
0x00081da0 My Lord has a real edge I'd like to cut myself on.
0x0007311a May you bleed well!
0x00042d93 There's a new person in the Isles. I wonder what his blood tastes like?
0x000434b7 It's only a matter of time before adventurers swarm the Isles now that the Gatekeeper is killed. You'll need a sharp blade to bleed them.
0x00078162 Cutter sells weapons in Crucible, but you won't catch me going there.
0x00078162 Cutter sells weapons in Crucible, but you won't catch me going there.
0x00078163 I'd buy my weapons at Cutter's. She has... a way with blades.
0x00078163 I'd buy my weapons at Cutter's. She has... a way with blades.
0x000825dc I hear Cutter collects the Madness Ore to turn into armor.
0x000825dc I hear Cutter collects the Madness Ore to turn into armor.
0x000434df I wonder if the Resonator of Judgment hurts those inside?
0x00043e8f Thadon's blood is so tainted. He needs to be cut open so he can let some of the toxin out.
0x00043eaf Syl is a paranoid fool. She could torture me as much as she'd like, though. Cut intricate patterns into my skin. I shiver just thinking about it.
0x000441dc I wonder if the Great Torch being lit will stop the unrest. I was getting excited about the prospect of more bloodshed. Oh, well.
0x000441fc A new ruler for Dementia! Perhaps blood was spilled. Great deals of blood. Syl's blood. Lovely blood.
0x0005ed54 I heard Thadon's heart exploded. There would have been a great deal of blood. Sweet, sweet heart's blood.
0x0005ef1c Strange creatures have appeared in the Fringe... perhaps you need a new blade? A Madness blade?
0x0005f1fe I've heard that the new Gatekeeper is fearsome. The ground will soon be red with the blood of those that would challenge him.
0x0005f3fb Our Lord has His armies restored. They carry such wonderfully sharp blades.
0x0006050a Sheogorath is gone. Better carry a blade, just in case. Use it on your enemies, if things get bad. Or on yourself, if things get worse.
0x000607ca I thought we were all doomed for a while there. I carved my last will and testament, but I won't say where.
0x0005e077 I've got the sharpest blades in the Isles. Maybe anywhere. Take a look.
0x0005e079 Need something sharp? Stabbing, cutting, that sort of thing? I can accommodate you, I assure you.
0x0005e07a Weapons and armor here. Especially weapons. Sharp ones.
0x0005e00b Are you trying to ruin me? That offer's no good.
0x0005e00f Not for that price. Try again.
0x0005e082 I'm very good at sharpening blades, but I can do all sorts of repair work.
0x0005e083 I stand by all my repair work. I test the blades personally.
0x0005e075 An excellent choice.
0x0005e07b I hope that serves you well.
0x0005e07d I'm sure you'll put that to good use.
0x00061c58 That's a fair deal.
0x00061c5b I can accept that.
0x00061c5c You got a good deal there.
0x00061c5f A fair bargain.
0x00061c60 That seems fair to me.
0x0005e07f If you need more, you know where to find me. I'm nearly always at work.
0x0008adec You know what I know. There is no more.
0x00089617 I don't spread gossip. I have nothing to say.
0x0001650d It's a supple and flexible ore. Yet it holds a good edge. I can shape the sharpest of blades from it. I can also create magical items.
0x0001e697 Bring me a matrix and enough Ore, and I will forge you a new item and bleed the magic of the matrix into it.
0x0001fa39 I'd love to shape a weapon for you, but you don't have enough Madness Ore. Have a look at the info I've posted in the shop.
0x0001fa3c What shall I forge for you?
0x0001fa3d What do you wish?
0x0001651c Carve a happy smile. Let the blood wash over your hands.
0x00016529 Think of me when you send arrows to bite into your foe.
0x0001652b Sure, you've got your rib cage, but a sharp blade can pry ribs apart.
0x0001652c Head wounds bleed profusely.
0x0001652d Important arteries flow through the legs.
0x0001652e When the blood flows across your knuckles, think of me.
0x00016536 Boots are useful. Though, sometimes, it's nice to wade barefoot through the blood of your fallen foes.
0x00016537 Properly timed, blocking can stagger your foe. That is the time to caress him with your blade.
0x00016538 These arrows will sink deep into your enemy's flesh.
0x00016ce9 They say the heart anchors the soul to the man. Think of this while the heart of your enemy beats in your hand. Then squeeze.
0x00016cee Cutting a man apart, little by little... such sticky sweet victory.
0x00016ced This shield, like a true friend, is always willing to take a good beating.
0x00016cec The best way for a blade to slip into a man's brain is through the eye socket, ear hole, or through the nose.
0x00016cea Such strong blood pulses through the legs.
0x00016ce6 The enemy's blade will glance across the smooth metal. A gentle caress.
0x00016ce5 With a gentle moan, this bow will yield to your pull. With a scream of delight, it will launch pain into your enemies.
0x00016ce4 Crush the skulls of the fallen under your boots. Stomp out their eyeballs with your heel. Paint the floor red in a bloody dance.
0x00016ce3 It is a satisfying sound, when an arrow rips into flesh.
0x0005f8f1 I'd love to hammer Madness Armor to hold your shape. But you must provide some Madness Ore. Inspect the information I have posted.
0x0001f3f1 What is your wish?
0x0001f3f2 What do you desire?
0x0001f3ed Think of me fondly when you bury this axe deep into your foe's skull.
0x0001f3ec When you hack off an arm, the blood spurts out in surges.
0x0001f3df When you are really angry, it feels good to hack into someone with a giant blade.
0x0001f3dd With enough force, this will cleave through meat and bone.
0x000819ab Maybe later.
0x00089614 That's it. That's what you want, isn't it? Now leave me alone!
0x00089615 You think I can't take that kind of pain? I've had worse. I won't tell you anything. There's nothing going on!
0x00082741 Hit her harder!
0x00082742 Ooh! That's gotta hurt!
0x00082743 Kneecaps! Go for the knees!
0x00082744 Don't hold back!
Item Id Item Count
Scruffy Shoes (0x00073924) 1
Patchwork Pants (0x0008257b) 1
Liturgy of the Duelists (0x000813cc) 1
Cutter's Key (0x00073221) 1
LL0NPCGoldLowerClass (0x0003e4c8) 1
Iron Bow (0x00025231) 1
Iron Dagger (0x00019171) 1
Ale (0x000b1200) -1
Patchwork Shirt (0x0008257c) 1
Duelist's Key (0x000975f2) 1
Package Id
SECutterFightMon20x2 (0x00080d0c)
SECutterFightAfterSE05Mon20x2 (0x000975e9)
SECutterFightAfterSE05Wed20x2 (0x000975e8)
SECutterFightThu20x2 (0x00080d13)
SECutterFightFri20x2 (0x00080d15)
SECutterCheer20x2 (0x0008274b)
SECutterRooftopClub (0x00072dcd)
aaaEat22x2 (0x0000564c)
aaaSleep0x8 (0x0014c47a)
SE30CutterServices8x12LockAtEnd512 (0x000811a1)
SE30CutterHammer8x12 (0x0008119d)
Faction Id Faction Rank
Crucible Citizen (0x00015580) 0
Citizen of New Sheoth (0x00013a69) 0
Dementia Faction (0x0001ad46) 0
Rooftop Club (0x00080d18) 0
Spell Id
LL2Rogue100 (0x00037b30)

Database last updated 11/02/2011
NPC_ records last updated 10/31/2011