Oblivion Game Data

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Oblivion ALCH Records

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Name edID formID Weight Value Enchantment
Ale DrinkAle 0x000b1200 1 5 Drain Intelligence, 1 pt for 60 secs on Self; Drain Willpower, 1 pt for 60 secs on Self; Restore Fatigue, 2 pts on Self
Alteration Potion TestPotionAlteration 0x00188872 0 85 Water Walking, for 66 secs on Self
Argonian Bloodwine DrinkArgonianBloodwine 0xBH00a6a8 1.5 20 Resist Poison, 40% for 50 secs on Self; Resist Disease, 40% for 50 secs on Self; Water Breathing, for 50 secs on Self
Beer DrinkBeer 0x000b1202 1 2 Drain Intelligence, 1 pt for 60 secs on Self; Drain Willpower, 1 pt for 60 secs on Self; Restore Fatigue, 2 pts on Self
Bernice's Alley Wine SEDrinkWine5Best 0x0008e48c 1 30 Fortify Health, 14 pts for 240 secs on Self; Drain Agility, 5 pts for 120 secs on Self; Drain Intelligence, 5 pts for 120 secs on Self
Bernice's Roofwater Wine SEDrinkWine3Better 0x0008e490 1 15 Fortify Health, 12 pts for 120 secs on Self; Drain Agility, 5 pts for 120 secs on Self; Drain Intelligence, 5 pts for 120 secs on Self
Bernice's Summer Wine SEDrinkWine1Good 0x0008e48e 1 5 Fortify Health, 8 pts for 120 secs on Self; Drain Agility, 5 pts for 120 secs on Self; Drain Intelligence, 5 pts for 120 secs on Self
Cheap Wine DrinkWine0Cheap 0x00037f7f 1 2 Restore Fatigue, 10 pts on Self; Drain Agility, 5 pts for 120 secs on Self; Drain Intelligence, 5 pts for 120 secs on Self; Drain Personality, 10 pts for 120 secs on Self
Colovian Battlecry DrinkColovianBattleCry 0xBH00a6a5 1.5 25 Shield, 10% for 50 secs on Self; Fortify Endurance, 5 pts for 50 secs on Self
Conjuration Potion TestPotionConjuration 0x00188875 0 39 Bound Axe, for 10 secs on Self
Cure for Vampirism MS40VampireCurePotion 0x000977e4 0 4129 Restore Health, 500 pts on Self; Restore Magicka, 500 pts on Self; Restore Fatigue, 500 pts on Self; Script Effect, for 1 sec on Self
Cyrodilic Brandy PotionCyrodiilicBrandy 0x00033569 0.5 79 Drain Strength, 10 pts for 30 secs on Self; Fortify Endurance, 10 pts for 30 secs on Self; Fortify Fatigue, 20 pts for 30 secs on Self
Daedric Lava Whiskey DaedricLavaWhiskey01 0xFS008c37 1 0 Fire Damage, 1 pt for 10 secs on Self; Paralyze, for 10 secs on Self; Restore Health, 20 pts for 20 secs on Self; Summon Dremora Lord, for 60 secs on Self
Fellmoor Red Wine SEDrinkWine2Good 0x0008e48f 1 8 Fortify Health, 10 pts for 120 secs on Self; Drain Agility, 5 pts for 120 secs on Self; Drain Intelligence, 5 pts for 120 secs on Self
Fellmoor Spore Wine SEDrinkWine6Best 0x0008e48d 1 35 Fortify Health, 16 pts for 240 secs on Self; Drain Agility, 5 pts for 120 secs on Self; Drain Intelligence, 5 pts for 120 secs on Self
Fellmoor Swamp Wine SEDrinkWine4Better 0x0008e48b 1 20 Fortify Health, 14 pts for 120 secs on Self; Drain Agility, 5 pts for 120 secs on Self; Drain Intelligence, 5 pts for 120 secs on Self
Frostdew Blanc DrinkFrostdewBlanc 0xBH00a6a2 1.5 20 Restore Health, 1 pt for 50 secs on Self; Restore Fatigue, 1 pt for 50 secs on Self
Grand Elixir of Exploration MS39NirnrootPotionD 0x0004e93a 0.5 275 Fortify Health, 20 pts for 300 secs on Self; Fortify Fatigue, 20 pts for 300 secs on Self; Night-Eye, for 300 secs on Self; Fortify Blade, 10 pts for 300 secs on Self; Fortify Blunt, 10 pts for 300 secs on Self; Fortify Destruction, 10 pts for 300 secs on Self; Fortify Restoration, 10 pts for 300 secs on Self; Fortify Sneak, 10 pts for 300 secs on Self; Fortify Security, 10 pts for 300 secs on Self
Hist Sap FGD08HistSap01 0x0003356a 0 0 Script Effect, on Self
Human Blood HumanBlood 0x00098309 1 0 Drain Fatigue, 60 pts for 20 secs on Self; Resist Poison, 5% for 10 secs on Self
Illusion Potion TestPotionIllusion 0x0018887a 0 400 Invisibility, for 100 secs on Self
Julianos Firebelly DrinkJulianosFirebelly 0xBH00a6ab 1.5 25 Fortify Health, 15 pts for 50 secs on Self; Resist Frost, 15 pts for 50 secs on Self
Keen Edge Potion DL9FortifBlade 0xMR005654 0.5 57 Fortify Blade, 15 pts for 30 secs on Self
Mead DrinkMead 0x000b1201 1 2 Drain Intelligence, 1 pt for 60 secs on Self; Drain Willpower, 1 pt for 60 secs on Self; Restore Fatigue, 2 pts on Self
Mead SE39DrinkMead 0x0007fc0f 1 2 Drain Intelligence, 1 pt for 60 secs on Self; Drain Willpower, 1 pt for 60 secs on Self; Restore Fatigue, 2 pts on Self
Moderate Elixir of Exploration MS39NirnrootPotionB 0x0004e938 0.3 80 Fortify Health, 20 pts for 300 secs on Self; Fortify Fatigue, 20 pts for 300 secs on Self; Night-Eye, for 300 secs on Self
Mysticism Potion TestPotionMysticism 0x0018887c 0 59 Detect Life, 50 pts for 50 secs on Self
Newheim's Special Brew FGC03NewheimBeer 0x000b1241 1 2 Drain Intelligence, 10 pts for 60 secs on Self; Drain Willpower, 10 pts for 60 secs on Self; Restore Fatigue, 10 pts on Self; Fortify Strength, 10 pts for 60 secs on Self; Fortify Personality, 10 pts for 60 secs on Self
Nightmask DLC06Nightmask2 0xDC0083ab 0.5 100 Fortify Sneak, 10 pts for 60 secs on Self
Numbskin Mead DrinkNumbskinMead 0xBH00a6a9 1.5 25 Fortify Health, 15 pts for 50 secs on Self; Resist Fire, 15 pts for 50 secs on Self
Philter of Frostward MS37PhilterofFrostward 0x0007bcc9 1 816 Resist Frost, 100 pts for 45 secs on Self
Poison of Affliction PotionDamageAttrEndurance 0x0008dc5c 0.5 78 Damage Endurance, 5 pts on Self
Poison of Apathy PotionDrainSpeed 0x00009283 0.5 40 Drain Speed, 10 pts for 30 secs on Self
Poison of Burden PotionBurden 0x000984a5 0.5 29 Burden, 20 pts for 30 secs on Self
Poison of Catastrophe PotionDrainLuck 0x00009281 0.5 40 Drain Luck, 10 pts for 30 secs on Self
Poison of Clumsiness PotionDamageAttrAgility 0x0008dc58 0.5 78 Damage Agility, 5 pts on Self
Poison of Confusion PotionDamageAttrIntelligence 0x0008dc5e 0.5 78 Damage Intelligence, 5 pts on Self
Poison of Cowardice PotionDrainWillpower 0x00056e54 0.5 40 Drain Willpower, 10 pts for 30 secs on Self
Poison of Debilitation PotionDrainEndurance 0x0000927d 0.5 40 Drain Endurance, 10 pts for 30 secs on Self
Poison of Fatigue PotionDamageFatigue 0x0008dc70 0.5 65 Damage Fatigue, 50 pts on Self
Poison of Feeblemind PotionDrainIntelligence 0x00009280 0.5 40 Drain Intelligence, 10 pts for 30 secs on Self
Poison of Frailty PotionDrainStrength 0x00009285 0.5 40 Drain Strength, 10 pts for 30 secs on Self
Poison of Fright PotionDamageAttrWillpower 0x0008dc6d 0.5 78 Damage Willpower, 5 pts on Self
Poison of Fumbling PotionDrainAgility 0x0000927c 0.5 40 Drain Agility, 10 pts for 30 secs on Self
Poison of Illness PotionDamageHealth 0x0008dc73 0.5 22 Damage Health, 10 pts on Self
Poison of Misfortune PotionDamageAttrLuck 0x0008dc61 0.5 78 Damage Luck, 5 pts on Self
Poison of Nab TestQAPoison 0x00033526 2 266 Fire Damage, 10 pts for 10 secs on Self; Frost Damage, 5 pts for 15 secs on Self; Shock Damage, 2 pts for 20 secs on Self
Poison of Paralysis PotionParalyze 0x00009302 0.5 237 Paralyze, for 5 secs on Self
Poison of Repulsion PotionDrainPersonality 0x00009282 0.5 40 Drain Personality, 10 pts for 30 secs on Self
Poison of Separation PotionDrainMagicka 0x00009284 0.5 41 Drain Magicka, 30 pts for 30 secs on Self
Poison of Severing PotionDamageMagicka 0x0008dc76 0.5 19 Damage Magicka, 30 pts on Self
Poison of Sickness PotionDrainHealth 0x0000927f 0.5 124 Drain Health, 20 pts for 30 secs on Self
Poison of Silence PotionSilence 0x00009320 0.5 180 Silence, for 30 secs on Self
Poison of Slowing PotionDamageAttrSpeed 0x0008dc67 0.5 78 Damage Speed, 5 pts on Self
Poison of the Fool PotionDamageAttrPersonality 0x0008dc64 0.5 78 Damage Personality, 5 pts on Self
Poison of Weakness PotionDamageAttrStrength 0x0008dc6a 0.5 78 Damage Strength, 5 pts on Self
Poison of Weariness PotionDrainFatigue 0x0000927e 0.5 41 Drain Fatigue, 30 pts for 30 secs on Self
Potion of Absorption PotionSpellAbsorption 0x00009321 0.5 699 Spell Absorption, 30 pts for 30 secs on Self
Potion of Agility PotionFortifyAgility 0x00098471 0.5 57 Fortify Agility, 15 pts for 30 secs on Self
Potion of Alacrity PotionRestoreSpeed 0x0009849b 0.5 72 Restore Speed, 10 pts on Self
Potion of Antivenom PotionResistPoison 0x00009308 0.5 69 Resist Poison, 20% for 30 secs on Self
Potion of Chameleon PotionChameleon 0x00088b1c 0.5 60 Chameleon, 15% for 30 secs on Self
Potion of Charisma PotionRestorePersonality 0x0009849a 0.5 72 Restore Personality, 10 pts on Self
Potion of Cure Disease PotionCureDisease 0x0000920e 0.5 140 Cure Disease, on Self
Potion of Cure Paralysis PotionCureParlaysis 0x0000922e 0.5 50 Cure Paralysis, on Self
Potion of Cure Poison PotionCurePoison 0x0000920f 0.5 60 Cure Poison, on Self
Potion of Dedication PotionRestoreWillpower 0x00056e55 0.5 72 Restore Willpower, 10 pts on Self
Potion of Destruction TestPotionDestruction 0x00188878 0 142 Fire Damage, 10 pts for 10 secs on Self
Potion of Detect Life PotionDetectLife 0x000984a6 0.5 45 Detect Life, 60 pts for 30 secs on Self
Potion of Disbelief PotionResistMagicka 0x00009307 0.5 114 Resist Magic, 10% for 30 secs on Self
Potion of Dispel PotionDispel 0x0000927b 0.5 27 Dispel, 30 pts on Self
Potion of Endurance PotionFortifyEndurance 0x00098472 0.5 57 Fortify Endurance, 15 pts for 30 secs on Self
Potion of Fatigue PotionFortifyFatigue 0x00098473 0.5 15 Fortify Fatigue, 45 pts for 30 secs on Self
Potion of Feather PotionFeather 0x000092e6 0.5 44 Feather, 50 pts for 300 secs on Self
Potion of Fire Shield PotionFireShield 0x000092e7 0.5 91 Fire Shield, 15% for 30 secs on Self
Potion of Fortitude PotionRestoreEndurance 0x00098494 0.5 72 Restore Endurance, 10 pts on Self
Potion of Fortune PotionRestoreLuck 0x00098498 0.5 72 Restore Luck, 10 pts on Self
Potion of Frost Shield PotionFrostShield 0x000092fe 0.5 91 Frost Shield, 15% for 30 secs on Self
Potion of Grace PotionRestoreAgility 0x00098493 0.5 72 Restore Agility, 10 pts on Self
Potion of Grounding PotionResistShock 0x00009309 0.5 69 Resist Shock, 20 pts for 30 secs on Self
Potion of Healing PotionRestoreHealth 0x00098496 0.5 94 Restore Health, 35 pts on Self
Potion of Health PotionFortifyHealth 0x00098474 0.5 65 Fortify Health, 30 pts for 60 secs on Self
Potion of Insight PotionRestoreIntelligence 0x00098497 0.5 72 Restore Intelligence, 10 pts on Self
Potion of Insulation PotionResistFire 0x00009305 0.5 69 Resist Fire, 20 pts for 30 secs on Self
Potion of Intelligence PotionFortifyIntelligence 0x00098475 0.5 57 Fortify Intelligence, 15 pts for 30 secs on Self
Potion of Invisibility PotionInvisibility 0x000092ff 0.5 120 Invisibility, for 30 secs on Self
Potion of Light PotionLight 0x00009300 0.5 47 Light, 30 pts for 120 secs on Self
Potion of Luck PotionFortifyLuck 0x00098476 0.5 57 Fortify Luck, 15 pts for 30 secs on Self
Potion of Magicka PotionFortifyMagicka 0x00098477 0.5 69 Fortify Magicka, 30 pts for 60 secs on Self
Potion of Magnification DLC06LockSolvent3 0xDC0079cc 0.5 300 Fortify Security, 20 pts for 10 secs on Self
Potion of Meepage TestMeep 0x000018c6 10 3663 Cure Disease, on Self; Dispel, 50 pts on Self; Fire Damage, 20 pts for 100 secs on Self; Fortify Strength, on Self
Potion of Might PotionRestoreStrength 0x0009849c 0.5 72 Restore Strength, 10 pts on Self
Potion of Nighteye PotionNighteye 0x00009301 0.5 66 Night-Eye, for 30 secs on Self
Potion of Personality PotionFortifyPersonality 0x00098478 0.5 57 Fortify Personality, 15 pts for 30 secs on Self
Potion of Reflection PotionReflect 0x00009303 0.5 408 Reflect Spell, 30% for 15 secs on Self
Potion of Resistance PotionResistDisease 0x00009304 0.5 116 Resist Disease, 30% for 30 secs on Self
Potion of Respite PotionRestoreFatigue 0x00098495 0.5 18 Restore Fatigue, 35 pts on Self
Potion of Seastride PotionWaterWalking 0x000984a4 0.5 58 Water Walking, for 45 secs on Self
Potion of Shock Shield PotionShockShield 0x00009ae3 0.5 91 Shock Shield, 15% for 30 secs on Self
Potion of Sorcery PotionRestoreMagicka 0x00098499 0.5 62 Restore Magicka, 75 pts on Self
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Database last updated 11/02/2011
ALCH records last updated 11/01/2011