Oblivion Game Data

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Oblivion CLOT Records

Displaying records 0-99 of 709
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Name edID formID Weight Value Type Enchantment
Acrobat's Amulet EnchAcrobatsAmulet 0x00098457 0.6 6070 Amulet Apparel: Fortify Speed, 20 pts on Self; Fortify Athletics, 20 pts on Self; Fortify Acrobatics, 20 pts on Self
Acrobatics Pants EnchClothingPantsAcrobatics 0x00048981 1 602 Pants/Skirt Apparel: Fortify Acrobatics, 6 pts on Self
Aegis Robe EnchClothingRobeShieldGrand 0x0000552c 2 1802 Other Apparel: Shield, 18% on Self
Ahdarji's Ring TG04AhdarjisRing 0x00035e95 0.2 150 Ring
Amulet of Absorption EnchAmuletSpellAbsorptionSilver 0x0009843e 0.4 8050 Amulet Apparel: Spell Absorption, 20 pts on Self
Amulet of Axes EnchAmuletofAxes 0x00098453 0.6 15800 Amulet Apparel: Reflect Damage, 33% on Self; Fortify Blunt, 25 pts on Self
Amulet of Disintegration SE44DisintegrateAmulet 0x0007872e 0.4 15 Amulet Apparel: Disintegrate Armor, 10000 pts on Self; Disintegrate Weapon, 10000 pts on Self
Amulet of Illusion EnchAmuletFortifyIllusionCopper 0x00092ac6 0.4 840 Amulet Apparel: Fortify Illusion, 8 pts on Self
Amulet of Interrogation FGD07InterrogationAmulet2 0x000c04d6 0.6 1400 Amulet Apparel: Fortify Hand to Hand, 6 pts on Self; Fortify Speechcraft, 6 pts on Self
Amulet of Kings AmuletofKings 0x000250a0 1 1000 Amulet
Amulet of Luck EnchAmuletFortifyAttrLuckGold 0x00091ad5 0.4 950 Amulet Apparel: Fortify Luck, 8 pts on Self
Amulet of Reflection EnchAmuletReflectSpellJade 0x0009845b 0.4 8070 Amulet Apparel: Reflect Spell, 20% on Self
Amulet of the Ansei MQ09AnseiAmulet01 0x00187bbd 0.6 650 Amulet Apparel: Fortify Block, 6 pts on Self
Amulet of the Ansei MQ09AnseiAmulet10 0x00187bbf 0.6 850 Amulet Apparel: Fortify Block, 8 pts on Self
Amulet of the Ansei MQ09AnseiAmulet15 0x00187bbe 0.6 1050 Amulet Apparel: Fortify Block, 10 pts on Self
Ancotar's Ring of Protection MS47AncotarsRing 0x00030135 1 0 Ring
Apostle Robes SE11ApostleRobe 0x00016b5c 4 133 Other Apparel: Light, 10 pts on Self
Apron of Adroitness MS14RytheApron01 0x00094ecb 1 1100 Shirt Apparel: Fortify Agility, 5 pts on Self; Fortify Intelligence, 5 pts on Self
Apron of Adroitness MS14RytheApron05 0x0006b67e 1 1400 Shirt Apparel: Fortify Agility, 6 pts on Self; Fortify Intelligence, 6 pts on Self
Apron of Adroitness MS14RytheApron10 0x0006b67f 1 1700 Shirt Apparel: Fortify Agility, 7 pts on Self; Fortify Intelligence, 7 pts on Self
Apron of Adroitness MS14RytheApron15 0x0006b680 1 2000 Shirt Apparel: Fortify Agility, 8 pts on Self; Fortify Intelligence, 8 pts on Self
Apron of Adroitness MS14RytheApron20 0x0006b681 1 2300 Shirt Apparel: Fortify Agility, 9 pts on Self; Fortify Intelligence, 9 pts on Self
Apron of Adroitness MS14RytheApron25 0x0006b682 1 2600 Shirt Apparel: Fortify Agility, 10 pts on Self; Fortify Intelligence, 10 pts on Self
Apron of the Master Artisan UniqueClothingShirtArtisan 0x000ca122 2 4000 Shirt Apparel: Fortify Armorer, 7 pts on Self; Fortify Alchemy, 7 pts on Self; Fortify Security, 7 pts on Self
Aqua Silk Hood UpperRobe03hood 0x00071022 4 8 Hood
Aqua Silk Robes UpperRobe03 0x00071021 4 8 Other
Arch-Mage's Hood ArchMageHood 0x00064fe0 1 0 Hood
Arch-Mage's Robe ArchMageRobe 0x00064fdf 3 0 Other
Arnora's Amulet MS09ArnorasAmuletFake 0x00093551 0.5 35 Amulet
Arnora's True Amulet MS09ArnorasAmulet 0x00053787 0.5 150 Amulet
Astia's Necklace MS04AstiaNecklace 0x000cbd53 0.3 35 Amulet
Base Amulet of Absorption EnchAmuletSpellAbsorptionCopper 0x0009843d 0.4 5640 Amulet Apparel: Spell Absorption, 14 pts on Self
Base Amulet of Illusion EnchAmuletFortifyIllusionBronze 0x00092ac5 0.4 620 Amulet Apparel: Fortify Illusion, 6 pts on Self
Base Amulet of Luck EnchAmuletFortifyAttrLuckSilver 0x00091ad4 0.4 650 Amulet Apparel: Fortify Luck, 6 pts on Self
Base Amulet of Reflection EnchAmuletReflectSpellBronze 0x000937fa 0.4 5620 Amulet Apparel: Reflect Spell, 14% on Self
Base Necklace of Mercantile EnchNecklaceFortifyMercantileSilver 0x00092aad 0.3 650 Amulet Apparel: Fortify Mercantile, 6 pts on Self
Base Necklace of Personality EnchNecklaceFortifyAttrPersonalitySilver 0x00091ad1 0.3 650 Amulet Apparel: Fortify Personality, 6 pts on Self
Base Necklace of Seawalking EnchNecklaceWaterwalkingBronze 0x00098443 0.3 2010 Amulet Apparel: Water Walking, on Self
Base Necklace of Speechcraft EnchNecklaceFortifySpeechcraftBronze 0x00092ab6 0.3 610 Amulet Apparel: Fortify Speechcraft, 6 pts on Self
Base Necklace of the Sea EnchNecklaceWaterbreathingCopper 0x00098440 0.3 2020 Amulet Apparel: Water Breathing, on Self
Base Ring of Acrobatics EnchRingFortifyAcrobaticsSilver 0x00091c3c 0.1 630 Ring Apparel: Fortify Acrobatics, 6 pts on Self
Base Ring of Aegis EnchRingShieldCopper 0x00098437 0.1 1210 Ring Apparel: Shield, 12% on Self
Base Ring of Agility EnchRingFortifyAttrAgilityCopper 0x00091ac8 0.1 610 Ring Apparel: Fortify Agility, 6 pts on Self
Base Ring of Alchemy EnchRingFortifyAlchemyGold 0x00092ab9 0.1 640 Ring Apparel: Fortify Alchemy, 6 pts on Self
Base Ring of Alteration EnchRingFortifyAlterationJade 0x00092abc 0.1 620 Ring Apparel: Fortify Alteration, 6 pts on Self
Base Ring of Athletics EnchRingFortifyAthleticsSilver 0x00091c2a 0.1 630 Ring Apparel: Fortify Athletics, 6 pts on Self
Base Ring of Blades EnchRingFortifyBladeEbony 0x00091c2d 0.2 650 Ring Apparel: Fortify Blade, 6 pts on Self
Base Ring of Block EnchRingFortifyBlockBrass 0x00091c30 0.1 605 Ring Apparel: Fortify Block, 6 pts on Self
Base Ring of Blunt Force EnchRingFortifyBluntEbony 0x00091c33 0.2 650 Ring Apparel: Fortify Blunt, 6 pts on Self
Base Ring of Brawling EnchRingFortifyHandtoHandEbony 0x00091c36 0.2 650 Ring Apparel: Fortify Hand to Hand, 6 pts on Self
Base Ring of Conjuration EnchRingFortifyConjurationGold 0x00092abf 0.1 640 Ring Apparel: Fortify Conjuration, 6 pts on Self
Base Ring of Destruction EnchRingFortifyDestructionJade 0x0009ded3 0.1 620 Ring Apparel: Fortify Destruction, 6 pts on Self
Base Ring of Detect Life EnchRingDetectLifeSilverEmerald 0x00091ab6 0.1 515 Ring Apparel: Detect Life, 25 pts on Self
Base Ring of Endurance EnchRingFortifyEnduranceBrass 0x00091ace 0.1 605 Ring Apparel: Fortify Endurance, 6 pts on Self
Base Ring of Feather EnchRingFeatherBrass 0x00091ab9 0.1 630 Ring Apparel: Feather, 25 pts on Self
Base Ring of Fire Shield EnchRingFireShieldBrass 0x00091abd 0.1 705 Ring Apparel: Fire Shield, 7% on Self
Base Ring of Firewalking EnchRingResistFireBrass 0x00098419 0.1 755 Ring Apparel: Resist Fire, 15 pts on Self
Base Ring of Fortitude EnchRingResistDiseaseJade 0x0009845d 0.1 245 Ring Apparel: Resist Disease, 15% on Self
Base Ring of Freedom EnchRingResistParalysisJadeSapphire 0x00098425 0.1 700 Ring Apparel: Resist Paralysis, 20 pts on Self
Base Ring of Frost Shield EnchRingFrostShieldSilver 0x000937ef 0.1 730 Ring Apparel: Frost Shield, 7% on Self
Base Ring of Health EnchRingFortifyHealthCopperRuby 0x00091c21 0.1 2310 Ring Apparel: Fortify Health, 15 pts on Self
Base Ring of Heavy Armor EnchRingFortifyHeavyArmorBrass 0x00091c39 0.1 605 Ring Apparel: Fortify Heavy Armor, 6 pts on Self
Base Ring of Intelligence EnchRingFortifyAttrIntelligenceGold 0x00091ac2 0.1 640 Ring Apparel: Fortify Intelligence, 6 pts on Self
Base Ring of Light EnchRingLightCopper 0x000937f2 0.1 135 Ring Apparel: Light, 10 pts on Self
Base Ring of Light Armor EnchRingFortifyLightArmorSilver 0x00091c3f 0.1 630 Ring Apparel: Fortify Light Armor, 6 pts on Self
Base Ring of Magicka EnchRingFortifyMagickaEbony 0x00091c24 0.2 1050 Ring Apparel: Fortify Magicka, 10 pts on Self
Base Ring of Mysticism EnchRingFortifyMysticismGold 0x00092ac8 0.1 640 Ring Apparel: Fortify Mysticism, 6 pts on Self
Base Ring of Nighteye EnchRingNighteyeBrassTopaz 0x000937f5 0.1 130 Ring Apparel: Night-Eye, for 10 secs on Self
Base Ring of Nihilism EnchRingResistMagickaEbony 0x0009841f 0.2 1700 Ring Apparel: Resist Magic, 11% on Self
Base Ring of Restoration EnchRingFortifyRestorationJade 0x00092acb 0.1 620 Ring Apparel: Fortify Restoration, 6 pts on Self
Base Ring of Retribution EnchRingReflectDamageGold 0x00091aaf 0.1 3240 Ring Apparel: Reflect Damage, 8% on Self
Base Ring of Security EnchRingFortifySecurityCopper 0x00092ab0 0.1 610 Ring Apparel: Fortify Security, 6 pts on Self
Base Ring of Shadows EnchRingChameleonGold 0x00091aae 0.1 1340 Ring Apparel: Chameleon, 20% on Self
Base Ring of Shock Shield EnchRingShockShieldCopper 0x0009843a 0.1 710 Ring Apparel: Shock Shield, 7% on Self
Base Ring of Sneak EnchRingFortifySneakCopper 0x00092ab3 0.1 610 Ring Apparel: Fortify Sneak, 6 pts on Self
Base Ring of Speed EnchRingFortifyAttrSpeedSilver 0x00091acb 0.1 630 Ring Apparel: Fortify Speed, 6 pts on Self
Base Ring of Steelskin EnchRingResistNormalWeaponsGold 0x00098422 0.1 640 Ring Apparel: Resist Paralysis, 20 pts on Self
Base Ring of Storms EnchRingResistShockCopper 0x0009842b 0.1 760 Ring Apparel: Resist Shock, 15 pts on Self
Base Ring of Strength EnchRingFortifyAttrStrengthEbony 0x00091abf 0.2 650 Ring Apparel: Fortify Strength, 6 pts on Self
Base Ring of the Archer EnchRingFortifyMarksmanCopper 0x00092aaa 0.1 610 Ring Apparel: Fortify Marksman, 6 pts on Self
Base Ring of the Armorer EnchRingFortifyArmorerBrass 0x00091c27 0.1 1005 Ring Apparel: Fortify Armorer, 10 pts on Self
Base Ring of the North EnchRingResistFrostSilver 0x0009841c 0.1 780 Ring Apparel: Resist Frost, 15 pts on Self
Base Ring of the Viper EnchRingResistPoisonSilverEmerald 0x00098428 0.1 275 Ring Apparel: Resist Poison, 9% on Self
Base Ring of Vigor EnchRingFortifyFatigueBrassTopaz 0x00091ad7 0.1 405 Ring Apparel: Fortify Fatigue, 15 pts on Self
Base Ring of Willpower EnchRingFortifyAttrWillpowerJade 0x00091ac5 0.1 620 Ring Apparel: Fortify Willpower, 6 pts on Self
Beggar's Shirt LowerShirt16 0x00064f7e 0 1 Shirt
Belted Braies LowerPants08 0x0002b90b 1 1 Pants/Skirt
Belted Vest LowerShirt08 0x0002b90c 1 1 Shirt
Black & Burgundy Outfit UpperShirt02 0x0001c887 1.5 6 Other
Black Band Dark01BlackBand01 0x0002fddb 1 1250 Ring Apparel: Fortify Light Armor, 3 pts on Self; Fortify Security, 3 pts on Self; Resist Magic, 3% on Self
Black Band Dark01BlackBand05 0x0002fddc 1 1950 Ring Apparel: Fortify Light Armor, 5 pts on Self; Fortify Security, 5 pts on Self; Resist Magic, 5% on Self
Black Band Dark01BlackBand10 0x0002fddd 1 3000 Ring Apparel: Fortify Light Armor, 8 pts on Self; Fortify Security, 8 pts on Self; Resist Magic, 8% on Self
Black Band Dark01BlackBand15 0x0002fdf1 1 3700 Ring Apparel: Fortify Light Armor, 10 pts on Self; Fortify Security, 10 pts on Self; Resist Magic, 10% on Self
Black Band Dark01BlackBand20 0x0002fdf8 1 4750 Ring Apparel: Fortify Light Armor, 13 pts on Self; Fortify Security, 13 pts on Self; Resist Magic, 13% on Self
Black Band Dark01BlackBand25 0x0002ff33 1 5450 Ring Apparel: Fortify Light Armor, 15 pts on Self; Fortify Security, 15 pts on Self; Resist Magic, 15% on Self
Black Band Dark01BlackBand30 0x0002ff34 1 6500 Ring Apparel: Fortify Light Armor, 18 pts on Self; Fortify Security, 18 pts on Self; Resist Magic, 18% on Self
Go to record: 0 100 200 ... 500 600 700

Database last updated 11/02/2011
CLOT records last updated 11/01/2011