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Anya Herrick (0x0001362c)

  • Record Type: NPC_
  • Name: Anya Herrick
  • Editor ID: SEAnyaHerrick
  • Form ID: 0x0001362c
  • Source File: Oblivion.esm.mod
  • Patch Status: FormID has not been modified.
  • Flags: Questitem
Parameter Value
Race Breton (0x000224fc)
Gender Female
Class Noble (0x00023e63)
ACHR (if unique) SEAnyaHerrickRef (0x00013b45)
NumLevel 0
NPC Level PC+2
NPC Health 30 + (5+1.4)x(PC+1), PC=3-49
NPC Magicka 175 + 1.5x(PC+1) (max=300)
SCRI SEAnyaHerrickScript (0x00019ec8)
Model Characters\_Male\skeleton.nif
Essential 1
Respawn 0
Autocalc 1
Offset 1
No Lowlevel 0
No Rumors 0
Summonable 0
No Persuasion 0
Corpse Check 0
Magicka Raw 137
Fatigue Raw 178
Gold 0
Level Raw 2
Calcmin 1
Calcmax 0
Aggression 5
Confidence 50
Energy 50
Responsibility 50
Mercweap 0
Mercarmor 0
Mercclot 0
Mercbook 0
Mercingred 0
Merclight 0
Mercapp 0
Mercmisc 0
Mercspel 0
Mercmagic 0
Mercpot 0
Train 0
Recharge 0
Repair 0
Trainskl Armorer
Trainlvl 0
Armorer Raw 15
Athletics Raw 42
Blade Raw 42
Block Raw 42
Blunt Raw 15
Hand To Hand Raw 15
Heavy Armor Raw 15
Alchemy Raw 11
Alteration Raw 11
Conjuration Raw 16
Destruction Raw 6
Illusion Raw 11
Mysticism Raw 16
Restoration Raw 16
Acrobatics Raw 6
Light Armor Raw 33
Marksman Raw 6
Mercantile Raw 33
Security Raw 33
Sneak Raw 6
Speechcraft Raw 33
Health Raw 81
Strength Raw 41
Intelligence Raw 55
Willpower Raw 55
Agility Raw 41
Speed Raw 58
Endurance Raw 41
Personality Raw 40
Luck Raw 55
Dialogue Dialogue Text
0x0001443e I will serve you well, Lord.
0x0007ec5b What is it you require, my lord?
0x0007ec5c What is it you require, my lady?
0x000206ad Just remember it was I that assisted you. I expect that will carry some favor under your rule.
0x00013ff8 What do you want now? I told you what I'm willing to do... now get away from me before someone hears us.
0x00013ff9 Ahhh, good to see you again.
0x00068bc0 I'm Anya Herrick. I serve Lady Syl, and she allows me to remain protected within the House of Dementia. I'm so grateful to her.
0x00068bca Here we are, safe indoors. Nothing to harm us here, is there?
0x0007ec6f Good day, Your Grace.
0x000206b4 Dark days, my lady.
0x000206b5 Dark days, my lord.
0x000206b6 Do my eyes decieve me? You live?
0x000206b7 Fool! Did you wish to have us both put to death?
0x000206b8 I bid you welcome.
0x00060954 Farewell. Stay safe.
0x0007ec6c Take heed the knife that strikes from behind.
0x00072f15 Goodbye for now.
0x0003160c Don't forget who your friends are, or they may just become your enemy.
0x0003160d Take heed the knife that strikes from behind.
0x00042d91 Someone new in the Isles? Oh no, I don't want that. Perhaps Syl will put a stop to it.
0x000434af The Gatekeeper, dead! This could be the end for all of us!
0x000434d3 Hearing that the Resonator works again almost makes up for losing the Gatekeeper. We're still not safe, though.
0x00043e87 If Thadon has his Chalice back, maybe that will smooth things over between the two Houses.
0x00043ea7 I don't know what happened. I didn't do anything to Syl, so why was I punished?
0x000441d4 The Great Torch is lit once more. Maybe we might be safe here after all.
0x000441f4 Crucible has a new ruler. Perhaps I can continue to find shelter in the House of Dementia, else what will I do?
0x0005ed4c Thank Sheogorath it was Thadon who was killed, not Syl.
0x0005ef08 The Fringe gone. We're next. I'm sure of it.
0x0005f1ed The Gatekeeper has been rebuilt, which means the Realm is a little safer for now.
0x0005f3f0 The realm has regained an army. Let's hope it can protect us.
0x000603a8 Maybe there really is no place left to hide. We are truly doomed if the attempts to find Him fail.
0x000607c0 The Greymarch is over. At least I'll be able to sleep a little safer now.
0x0001e3fe Thadon's problem. Not mine.
0x00080d7f I've told you all I know. It was Ma'zaddha... I don't know anything more, I swear it!
0x00080d3d What? N...No. I don't know anything about anything. I'm sorry, I can't help you.
0x00013ffd I maintain a close watch on her. She fears that Sheogorath no longer favors her presence and wants her replaced.
0x00014450 As you wish, Miss Herrick. Thank you for your time. And please, come back and see me some time.
0x0001447b Yes, yes! I swear it's the truth! Please, please let me go!
0x0001447c Is that so?
0x0001447d It was Muurine. She said she found a note from Thadon, that she would tell people it was written to me unless I paid her. It's not mine, I tell you!
0x0001447e Threatened? Who threatened you, my dear?
0x0001447f I... I didn't do anything. She threatened me, but I didn't do anything. I'm loyal to Syl, I tell you!
0x00014480 Yes, well. I suspect our Inquisitor would like to see you leave as well. As soon as you tell me what I want to know, you may go.
0x00014481 I... I don't want to stay here! Please stop hurting me!
0x00014482 Now Miss Herrick, can we be frank with one another? I find you delightful. I'd so enjoy the pleasure of your company for a long time to come.
0x00014486 I think there's more to it than that. And I see that I'm going to have to persuade you to be honest with me. How delightful.
0x00014451 What? No! I'm loyal to Lady Syl, I swear it! I would never turn against her! I just heard a rumor, that's all! I don't know anything!
0x00014452 Come now. We all know you've spread rumors about Thadon leaving his section of the palace late at night. You've been meeting him, haven't you?
0x00014453 No, no! I haven't been plotting anything! I swear it!
0x00014454 Oh, I think we both know the answer to that. You're here because you know something. You're plotting behind Lady Syl's back, and you've been caught.
0x00014455 What? I... No, that's not it at all. I just... I don't know. Why am I here?
0x00014459 Welcome, Miss Herrick! Welcome! I'd been hoping to have a chance to chat with you. I get the sense that you avoid me.
0x00014026 That should help you to get in there a bit easier.
0x00013ffb What can I do to help you?
0x00013ffc Unless... well, if you think you have a chance. How do I know this isn't some sort of trick?
0x00080d79 Please. I am not involved... I didn't do anything! They wanted me to get them close to Syl, but I wouldn't abide them!
0x00080d7a I would be far too afraid to turn on Syl. But I couldn't turn them in, either, because they might come after me. Please, you must do something!
0x00080d7b I didn't know what to do. Turning on Syl could cost me my life, but if I don't help, what will Ma'zaddha do to me? You must do something!
Item Id Item Count
Fine Steel Dagger (0x0003a859) 1
Purple Finery (0x0005da9c) 1
Package Id
SE13BattleStayHome (0x00080de2)
SE07AAnyaGetsRidofGuards (0x000825d3)
SE05AnyaWandersPalaceGrounds (0x0008ef85)
SEAnyaWandersPalaceGrounds (0x0007ec58)
SEAnyaAttendsCourt (0x0007ec57)
SEAnyaEats (0x0007ec56)
SEAnyaSleeps (0x0007ec55)
SEAnyaHerrickBaseWander (0x0001443b)
Faction Id Faction Rank
Crucible Citizen (0x00015580) 0
Dementia Faction (0x0001ad46) 0
House of Dementia Faction (0x0007e0cb) 0
Special Seducers for SE07A (0x0001723d) 0

Database last updated 11/02/2011
NPC_ records last updated 10/31/2011