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Dervenin (0x0001362e)

  • Record Type: NPC_
  • Name: Dervenin
  • Editor ID: SEDervenin
  • Form ID: 0x0001362e
  • Source File: Oblivion.esm.mod
  • Patch Status: FormID has not been modified.
  • Flags: Questitem
Parameter Value
Race Wood Elf (0x000223c8)
Gender Male
Class Priest (0x00023785)
ACHR (if unique) SEDerveninRef (0x00013989)
NumLevel 0
NPC Level PC+5
NPC Health 35 + (3+1)x(PC+4), PC=1-46
NPC Magicka 100 + 7.5x(PC+4) (max=250)
SCRI SEDerveninScript (0x0008da03)
Model Characters\_Male\skeleton.nif
Essential 1
Respawn 0
Autocalc 1
Offset 1
No Lowlevel 0
No Rumors 0
Summonable 0
No Persuasion 0
Corpse Check 0
Magicka Raw 182
Fatigue Raw 208
Gold 0
Level Raw 5
Calcmin 1
Calcmax 0
Aggression 5
Confidence 65
Energy 45
Responsibility 99
Mercweap 0
Mercarmor 0
Mercclot 0
Mercbook 0
Mercingred 0
Merclight 0
Mercapp 0
Mercmisc 0
Mercspel 0
Mercmagic 0
Mercpot 0
Train 0
Recharge 0
Repair 0
Trainskl Armorer
Trainlvl 0
Armorer Raw 6
Athletics Raw 6
Blade Raw 6
Block Raw 6
Blunt Raw 36
Hand To Hand Raw 6
Heavy Armor Raw 6
Alchemy Raw 56
Alteration Raw 52
Conjuration Raw 46
Destruction Raw 17
Illusion Raw 17
Mysticism Raw 46
Restoration Raw 46
Acrobatics Raw 11
Light Armor Raw 11
Marksman Raw 16
Mercantile Raw 6
Security Raw 6
Sneak Raw 16
Speechcraft Raw 36
Health Raw 79
Strength Raw 45
Intelligence Raw 73
Willpower Raw 59
Agility Raw 57
Speed Raw 57
Endurance Raw 47
Personality Raw 30
Luck Raw 50
Dialogue Dialogue Text
0x0008d9d5 Tidings and welcome!
0x0007ec61 You've made your choice and forsaken the name Arden-Sul. Please, leave me be.
0x0007ec62 Happy times and happy days, my lord!
0x0007ec66 Happy times and happy days, my lady!
0x0003161b You've made your choice and forsaken the name Arden-Sul. Please, leave me be.
0x000400d9 If you light the Great Torch on the Mania side of the Sacellum, you will be a hero to the people of Bliss, I assure you!
0x000400da Are you ready to repent of your actions in Cylarne, and light the Great Torch for Mania?
0x0008e615 So, you've decided to light the Torch for Mania?
0x00080645 Light the Great Torch! Let the Maniacal dance of the flames blaze out across the realm!
0x0004013f I'm disappointed in your choice. Why you would choose to honor the fetid madness of Dementia is beyond my understanding.
0x00040140 In accordance with the ancient tradition, receive now the Raiment of Arden-Sul in honor of your mighty deed in service to Mania.
0x00077b23 Dervenin, High Priest of Mania at your service. What brings you to this holy place on such a fine day?
0x00040141 You chose well. The Great Torch shines as a beacon of Mania to inspire and enflame all who gaze upon it!
0x00013656 Happy times! Happy days!
0x00077b24 What else can I help you with on this glorious day?
0x0003160b Happy times! Happy days!
0x0007dbff I now declare you Duchess of Mania of the Shivering Isles! May your light shine upon all our happiest days.
0x00016ea6 I now declare you Duke of Mania of the Shivering Isles! May your light shine upon all our happiest days.
0x0007ec74 It fills me with joy to welcome you, Your Grace!
0x0007ec75 Hello, Your Grace.
0x0001f376 Tidings and welcome!
0x00089887 Happy times! Happy days!
0x000206ab I bid you a most gracious welcome, my lady.
0x000206ac I bid you a most gracious welcome, my lord.
0x0001f37a Tidings and welcome!
0x0003b830 I bid you a most gracious welcome, my lady.
0x0003b831 I bid you a most gracious welcome, my lord.
0x0001f37d Tidings and welcome!
0x0007ec64 Tread the humble path and find enlightenment.
0x0008d9d4 Tread the humble path and find enlightenment.
0x0001f377 Tread the humble path and find enlightenment.
0x0003b83a May Arden-Sul enrich your mind and guide your heart.
0x0003b83b The Altar of Arden-Sul awaits.
0x0001f37c Tread the humble path and find enlightenment.
0x00031616 I have failed you, Arden-Sul... I am sorry.
0x0001f379 Tread the humble path and find enlightenment.
0x00042d96 How glorious, a newcomer to the Isles! Perhaps they will see the ways of Arden-Sul and join us.
0x000434ae Arden-Sul has willed it to be... the Gatekeeper is dead and the newcomer to the Isles will join us in praising his name!
0x000434d1 The Resonator has been reactivated, and the Isles are no longer open to invasion. Arden-Sul works in mysterious ways.
0x00043e83 My heart fills with joy that Lord Thadon has finally recovered from his doldrums.
0x00043ea1 It is a sad day in this fine city when the stench of torture poisons our spirits.
0x000441d0 May we all bask in the warm safe glow of the Great Torch.
0x000441ee By the grace of Arden-Sul a new successor has been selected to rule. Joy to Arden-Sul and Maniacs!
0x0005ecc9 By the grace of Arden-Sul a new successor has been selected to rule. Joy to Arden-Sul and Maniacs!
0x0005eed6 The Knights of Order have returned as foretold. Arden-Sul save us!
0x0005f1e4 Arden-Sul has heard our plea, and delivered the Gatekeeper back to us. We're saved!
0x0005f3e4 Armies restored or not, I will not let an enemy of the Maniacs set foot in the Sacellum.
0x00060365 Sheogorath has left us to think for ourselves and to turn to Arden-Sul's teachings for enlightenment.
0x000607a5 Order has been destroyed and we still stand! Joy and tidings to all!
0x000139af The Greenmote flowed like water in a stream as the revelers voraciously succumbed to its rapturous ways.
0x00013661 Once this is done, I will proclaim the successor a Duke or Duchess. Then, Sheogorath gives His blessing, and the cycle is completed.
0x00013665 As I've told you friend, the Duke's drug-tainted blood must be brought to the Altar of Arden-Sul.
0x00013655 An important part of our history, my friend! I would be glad to tell the tale if you have a moment.
0x00013657 We celebrate him with the Ritual of Accession... the path to Maniac Bliss.
0x000139ae Harvested from the spore trees that dot Bliss, the Greenmote is refined and kept in storage for use by all.
0x00013a67 To represent that night, when the ruler of Mania is to be replaced, he partakes of the Greenmote and allows his lifeblood to flow upon the Altar.
0x0001f3bb Had we been blessed with his constant presence, the Isles would be a Maniac's paradise.
0x0004014e Do not think about it. Dream about it! Let your mind soar on flights of fancy! I know you will choose well, in the end.
0x000400e4 Now, what do you say?
0x000400e3 I knew I saw the glint of true Mania in your eyes, my child. Go now and let the holy Flame inspire the people of Bliss to new heights of madness.
0x00089918 Smile at your fellow man. Help him when he falls. Remember, these are the times of mirth and cheer. These are the times of Mania!
0x00089917 To be a Maniac is to love and be loved. Spread the compassion and the warmth throughout New Sheoth and beyond.
0x00089916 And finally, we shall raise our goblets to the great Arden-Sul: poet, thespian, author, lover, virtuoso, and artisan extraordinaire.
0x00089915 We shall raise our goblets to the Demented. Though misguided they are, we are all children of Arden-Sul's teachings and therefore equal.
0x000898f4 We shall raise our goblets to the great Sheogorath, may he rule the Isles for another thousand years.
0x000898f3 Feast until your belly is full, then fill the wine goblets once more and toast our fortune.
0x000898f2 Now is a time for indulgence. Partake of the wine and the Greenmote! Cast off your clothing and your inhibitions! Sing and dance until the sun rises!
0x000898f1 My good friends, a most jubilant time is once again at hand. The Flame of the Maniacs burns bright, and we must celebrate!
Item Id Item Count
Red Silk Robes (0x0007101f) 1
Red Silk Hood (0x00071020) 1
Green Velvet Shoes (0x000229b2) 1
Silver Dagger (0x00025224) 1
Package Id
SE07BDerveninMoveSpeech (0x00082750)
SE07BDerveninAmbushPlayer (0x00016ea4)
SE07ADerveninMoveSpeech (0x0008274f)
SE07DerveninWaitOutoftheWay (0x0008e87b)
SE06DerveninWaitByTorch (0x00040148)
SE06DerveninGreetPlayer (0x000400e7)
SE06DerveninWaitForPlayer (0x0004014f)
SEDerveninSermon (0x0008da05)
aaaDefaultExploreEditorLoc512 (0x0002251b)
Faction Id Faction Rank
Mania Faction (0x0001ad45) 0
Bliss Citizen (0x0001557f) 0
Citizen of New Sheoth (0x00013a69) 0
Spell Id
Summon Golden Saint (0x0009663c)
LL2PriestLvl100 (0x00056aa9)

Database last updated 11/02/2011
NPC_ records last updated 10/31/2011