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Worn, Faded Note (0x0002c500)

  • Record Type: BOOK
  • Name: Worn, Faded Note
  • Editor ID: DAAzuraVampireNote
  • Form ID: 0x0002c500
  • Source File: Oblivion.noSI.esm.mod
  • Patch Status: FormID has not been modified.
Parameter Value
Weight 0.1
Value 0
Model Clutter\Books\Note01.NIF
Icon Clutter\IconNote.dds
<font face=1>[This worn, faded note was written on a scrap of parchment and secured by a piece of rawhide to the vampire's neck.]<br>
<font face=5>My name is Ghola gro-Muzgol. My companion's names are Aranalda, Nille Elf-Daughter, Avita Cassiana, and Umar gra-Khar.<br>
The vampire Dratik died by our hands, but the price was dear. Those into whose hands we have fallen, we thank you, and pray your favor.<br>
We served Lady Azura. Bring these, our last words, to the Her Shrine. We praise Her with the full fountain of our devotion.<br>
Our destinies were written in the stars, that our souls and reason be slain, and our world lost forever.<br>
None can escape Her Fate. But let us be remembered at Her shrine, and in the hearts of Her servants.<br>
<DIV align="center">"It is only by fate<br>
that any life ends,<br>
and only by chance<br>
that it is mine...<br>
not yours."<br>
Scroll 1
Cannot Take 0
Value Raw 0

Database last updated 11/02/2011
BOOK records last updated 11/01/2011