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Weebam-Na (0x00034e83)

  • Record Type: NPC_
  • Name: Weebam-Na
  • Editor ID: WeebumNa
  • Form ID: 0x00034e83
  • Source File: Oblivion.noSI.esm.mod
  • Patch Status: FormID has not been modified.
Parameter Value
Race Argonian (0x00023fe9)
Gender Male
Class Commoner (0x00023c0d)
ACHR (if unique) WeebamNaRef (0x000359bf)
NumLevel 0
NPC Level 10
NPC Health 106
NPC Magicka 132
SCRI WeebamNaScript (0x000e9ca8)
Model Characters\_Male\SkeletonBeast.NIF
Essential 0
Respawn 0
Autocalc 0
Offset 0
No Lowlevel 0
No Rumors 0
Summonable 0
No Persuasion 0
Corpse Check 0
Magicka Raw 132
Fatigue Raw 212
Gold 5
Level Raw 10
Calcmin 0
Calcmax 0
Aggression 5
Confidence 50
Energy 50
Responsibility 50
Mercweap 0
Mercarmor 0
Mercclot 0
Mercbook 0
Mercingred 0
Merclight 0
Mercapp 0
Mercmisc 0
Mercspel 0
Mercmagic 0
Mercpot 0
Train 0
Recharge 0
Repair 0
Trainskl Armorer
Trainlvl 0
Armorer Raw 34
Athletics Raw 21
Blade Raw 11
Block Raw 6
Blunt Raw 34
Hand To Hand Raw 39
Heavy Armor Raw 11
Alchemy Raw 39
Alteration Raw 6
Conjuration Raw 6
Destruction Raw 6
Illusion Raw 11
Mysticism Raw 11
Restoration Raw 6
Acrobatics Raw 44
Light Armor Raw 15
Marksman Raw 15
Mercantile Raw 44
Security Raw 15
Sneak Raw 50
Speechcraft Raw 44
Health Raw 106
Strength Raw 60
Intelligence Raw 53
Willpower Raw 35
Agility Raw 55
Speed Raw 54
Endurance Raw 62
Personality Raw 30
Luck Raw 50
Dialogue Dialogue Text
0x000479e0 Oh. Did I say that out loud? Excuse me. I'm Weebam-Na, the hunter. You got to excuse me. I got rats on the mind.
0x00086062 Good luck with Mazoga.
0x00086063 I'm going to see Mazoga. Come along, if you like.
0x00086064 I'm Weebam-Na. What do you want?
0x00086563 You want to speak to me?
0x00091b45 You are Weebam-Na?
0x00086564 Then to hell with you!
0x00026abf I am Weebam-Na. What do you want?
0x00026ac5 He's always got some scam going with Bejeen, his partner. You might find them both at Weebum-Na's house.
0x00026ac6 She wasn't a bad sort until she hooked up with that rascal Weebam-Na. That's where you're likely to find her... at Weebam-Na's house.
0x00026ab5 Eye of Nocturnal? Doesn't sound familiar to me.
0x00026ac7 Never heard of the thing. And neither has Bejeen. You ask too many questions.
0x00026abb Shh! There's someone here! Wait until they leave!
0x00026ab3 You're right. I know. I'm just worried. I'll try to calm down.
0x00026ab7 And have one of your nosy friends snoop around here and steal it? No, it's safer in Tidewater Cave.
0x00026ab8 We should go get it right now.
0x000878d7 We should go get it right now.
0x00026ab9 No fisherman is going into Tidewater Cave. It's full of trolls. We have to sneak past them, remember?
0x00026aba But what if a fisherman uses the cave?
0x000878d8 But what if a fisherman uses the cave?
0x000878d9 Trolls don't like water. Trolls don't swim. The Eye is perfectly safe in Tidewater Cave. So relax.
0x00026ad5 But what if the trolls eat it?
0x000878dc But what if the trolls eat it?
0x00026ad3 Bejeen? Bejeen knows nothing. Bejeen tells stories. Silly Bejeen. Shame on Bejeen to tell such silly, silly stories.
0x00026ad2 I did no such thing. I think perhaps you've been spying on me. Yes... spying! You cannot have my treasure!
0x00026ab4 Tidewater Cave? Tidewater Cave! Why... why do you ask about this place?
0x00026abc There is no need to speak of that place. It is a bad place.
0x00026ac4 Weebam-Na and Bejeen have been bragging about some big score they made recently. They claim it's a valuable jewel. Who knows with those two.
0x000479e1 Of course, when the Guard found out, they ran his sorry butt right out of town. But they left the rats! RATS!!!
0x00084a3c Shh! There's someone here! Wait until they leave!
0x00084a3d But what if the trolls eat it?
0x0008656e I want to go to Fisherman's Rock. Where's that?
0x00086069 She's got terrible manners. Being her friend may be a lot of work. But my sniffer says she might be worth it.
0x00086070 So I guess I'll have to go see what this is about. Thank you.
0x00086071 Maybe I just don't like you very much. So I'm not going.
0x00086573 Then, if you won't tell me why, I won't take you anywhere.
0x00086572 That's my business.
0x00086571 Why?
0x00086570 Take me there. Now. I'm in a hurry.
0x0008656f Fisherman's Rock is north of Leyawiin, about six hours walk, on a point of land on the eastern shore of the Niben.
0x0008656d Yes.
Item Id Item Count
LL0LootArrow2Steel75 (0x00026878) 12
LL0NPCGoldLowerClass (0x0003e4c8) 1
Steel Arrow (0x000229c1) 1
Iron Dagger (0x00019171) 1
Iron Bow (0x00025231) 1
Green Felt Linens (0x00028731) 1
Flax Tunic (0x0002c0fa) 1
Stitched Leather Shoes (0x000229ac) 1
Weebam-Na's Key (0x00035986) 1
Package Id
WeebamNaVisitMazoga (0x000860cf)
aaaSleep2x4 (0x00009248)
aaaDefaultStayAtEditorLocation (0x0002c81c)
Faction Id Faction Rank
WeebamNaFaction (0x00035978) 0
Leyawiin Faction (0x000338ec) 0

Database last updated 11/02/2011
NPC_ records last updated 10/31/2011