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SEAbBaliwogScript (0x0005ec70)

  • Record Type: SCPT
  • Editor ID: SEAbBaliwogScript
  • Form ID: 0x0005ec70
  • Source File: Oblivion.esm.mod
  • Patch Status: FormID has not been modified.
Parameter Value
ScriptName SEAbBaliwogScript

Short RegenOn						; flag, set when the water regen ability is on

Begin ScriptEffectStart
	RemoveSpell SEAbBaliwogRegenWater				; because the base object is being modified, the spell must always be removed on start

Begin ScriptEffectUpdate
	; If the Baliwog is swimming, give him a regen health ability

	If RegenOn == 0
		If IsSwimming == 1
			RemoveSpell SEAbBaliwogRegenWater			; because the base object is being modified, the spell must always be removed
			AddSpell SEAbBaliwogRegenWater				; before it is added. Otherwise the addspell will fail.
			Set RegenOn to 1
		If IsSwimming == 0
			RemoveSpell SEAbBaliwogRegenWater			; if the baliwog has left the water, removed the regen
			Set RegenOn to 0

Begin ScriptEffectFinish
	RemoveSpell SEAbBaliwogRegenWater					; cleaning up by removing the spell from the base object when the script terminates
End																	; This way newly created references won't start with the ability on.

Database last updated 11/02/2011
SCPT records last updated 10/31/2011