Oblivion Game Data

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LL1NPCScroll3Journeyman100 (0x0008c256)

  • Record Type: LVLI
  • Editor ID: LL1NPCScroll3Journeyman100
  • Form ID: 0x0008c256
  • Source File: Oblivion.noSI.esm.mod
  • Patch Status: This is the default version of this FormID, but it has previously been modified. Other versions are:
Parameter Value
Alllvl 1
Each 1
Chancenone 0
Item Lvl Item Id Item Count
1 Consume Health (0x000849db) 1
1 Bound Bow (0x000849f5) 1
1 Bound Cuirass (0x000849f6) 1
1 Bound Mace (0x000849fc) 1
1 Encumbering Touch (0x00084ae4) 1
1 Chameleon (0x00084aeb) 1
1 Damage Intelligence (0x00087298) 1
1 Withering Touch (0x00088882) 1
1 Major Sever Magicka (0x00088884) 1
1 Corrode Weapon (0x00088893) 1
1 Greater Dispel (0x00088896) 1
1 Greater Dispel Other (0x0008889a) 1
1 Dire Enervation (0x000888a4) 1
1 Dire Wound (0x000888a7) 1
1 Major Magicka Drain (0x000888aa) 1
1 Drain Skill: Alteration (0x000888ad) 1
1 Drain Skill: Destruction (0x000888b0) 1
1 Drain Skill: Hand to Hand (0x000888b1) 1
1 Drain Skill: Heavy Armor (0x000888b2) 1
1 Fire Ball (0x000888ba) 1
1 Blazing Spear (0x000888c0) 1
1 Searing Grasp (0x000888c5) 1
1 Flame Shield (0x000888c8) 1
1 Greater Fortify Fatigue (0x000888da) 1
1 Hail Storm (0x000888e3) 1
1 Frost Bolt (0x000888e8) 1
1 Winter's Grasp (0x000888ed) 1
1 Ice Shield (0x000888f0) 1
1 Shadow Shape (0x000898e9) 1
1 Greater Spell Reflection (0x00089902) 1
1 Guard (0x0008991d) 1
1 Shocking Burst (0x00089920) 1
1 Lightning Bolt (0x00089925) 1
1 Lightning Grasp (0x0008992a) 1
1 Electric Shield (0x0008992d) 1
1 Hush (0x0008ad8f) 1
1 Spell Absorption (0x0008ad97) 1
1 Summon Frost Atronach (0x00015adc) 1
1 Summon Dremora (0x00015ad8) 1
1 Summon Skeleton Hero (0x0008ad9c) 1
1 Lake Stride (0x0008adad) 1
1 Absorb Magicka (0x0000a94e) 1

Database last updated 11/02/2011
LVLI records last updated 10/31/2011