Oblivion Game Data

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Oblivion ALCH Records

Displaying records 100-199 of 269
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Name edID formID Weight Value Enchantment
Potion of Speed PotionFortifySpeed 0x00098479 0.5 57 Fortify Speed, 15 pts for 30 secs on Self
Potion of Strength PotionFortifyStrength 0x0009847a 0.5 57 Fortify Strength, 15 pts for 30 secs on Self
Potion of the Sea PotionWaterBreathing 0x000984a3 0.5 65 Water Breathing, for 45 secs on Self
Potion of Warmth PotionResistFrost 0x00009306 0.5 69 Resist Frost, 20 pts for 30 secs on Self
Potion of Willpower PotionFortifyWillpower 0x00056e53 0.5 57 Fortify Willpower, 15 pts for 30 secs on Self
Ranarr-Jo's Potion SE39StealthPotion 0x00043f46 0.5 150 Fortify Sneak, 75 pts for 10 secs on Self
Relmyna's Tears SE02MaidensTearsPoison 0x00013205 0.5 0 Script Effect, for 120 secs on Self
Restoration Potion TestPotionRestoration 0x0018887e 0 39 Restore Health, 5 pts for 5 secs on Self
Rosethorn Mead HouseServantMead 0x000b97ea 1 0 Drain Intelligence, 5 pts for 60 secs on Self; Drain Willpower, 5 pts for 60 secs on Self; Fortify Strength, 5 pts for 60 secs on Self; Fortify Endurance, 5 pts for 60 secs on Self
Shadowbanish Wine SQ08ShadowbanishWine 0x00185dcd 1 55 Night-Eye, for 240 secs on Self; Drain Agility, 10 pts for 120 secs on Self; Drain Intelligence, 10 pts for 120 secs on Self
Skooma PotionSkooma 0x0004e0a9 0.5 75 Drain Agility, 60 pts for 20 secs on Self; Damage Intelligence, 2 pts on Self; Fortify Strength, 60 pts for 20 secs on Self; Fortify Speed, 60 pts for 20 secs on Self
Sleeping Potion TestSleepingPotion 0x0002e71c 0 132 Damage Fatigue, 1 pt for 300 secs on Self
Sparkling Honeydew DrinkSparklingHoneydew 0xBH00a6ad 1.5 30 Fortify Speechcraft, 10 pts for 50 secs on Self; Fortify Personality, 10 pts for 50 secs on Self
Strong Elixir of Exploration MS39NirnrootPotionC 0x0004e939 0.4 170 Fortify Health, 20 pts for 300 secs on Self; Fortify Fatigue, 20 pts for 300 secs on Self; Night-Eye, for 300 secs on Self; Fortify Blade, 5 pts for 300 secs on Self; Fortify Blunt, 5 pts for 300 secs on Self; Fortify Destruction, 5 pts for 300 secs on Self; Fortify Restoration, 5 pts for 300 secs on Self; Fortify Sneak, 5 pts for 300 secs on Self; Fortify Security, 5 pts for 300 secs on Self
Strong Nightmask DLC06Nightmask3 0xDC0083ad 0.5 200 Fortify Sneak, 20 pts for 60 secs on Self
Strong Poison of Affliction PotionDamageAttrEnduranceS 0x0008dc5d 0.5 190 Damage Endurance, 10 pts on Self
Strong Poison of Apathy PotionDrainSpeedS 0x0009846a 0.5 100 Drain Speed, 15 pts for 45 secs on Self
Strong Poison of Burden PotionBurdenS 0x0000920d 0.5 59 Burden, 35 pts for 30 secs on Self
Strong Poison of Catastrophe PotionDrainLuckS 0x00098464 0.5 100 Drain Luck, 15 pts for 45 secs on Self
Strong Poison of Clumsiness PotionDamageAttrAgilityS 0x0008dc5a 0.5 190 Damage Agility, 10 pts on Self
Strong Poison of Confusion PotionDamageAttrIntelligenceS 0x0008dc60 0.5 190 Damage Intelligence, 10 pts on Self
Strong Poison of Cowardice PotionDrainWillpowerS 0x00056e56 0.5 100 Drain Willpower, 15 pts for 45 secs on Self
Strong Poison of Debilitation PotionDrainEnduranceS 0x000984ac 0.5 100 Drain Endurance, 15 pts for 45 secs on Self
Strong Poison of Fatigue PotionDamageFatigueS 0x0008dc72 0.5 110 Damage Fatigue, 75 pts on Self
Strong Poison of Feeblemind PotionDrainIntelligenceS 0x00098462 0.5 100 Drain Intelligence, 15 pts for 45 secs on Self
Strong Poison of Frailty PotionDrainStrengthS 0x0009846c 0.5 100 Drain Strength, 15 pts for 45 secs on Self
Strong Poison of Fright PotionDamageAttrWillpowerS 0x0008dc6f 0.5 190 Damage Willpower, 10 pts on Self
Strong Poison of Fumbling PotionDrainAgilityS 0x000984aa 0.5 100 Drain Agility, 15 pts for 45 secs on Self
Strong Poison of Illness PotionDamageHealthS 0x0008dc75 0.5 93 Damage Health, 30 pts on Self
Strong Poison of Misfortune PotionDamageAttrLuckS 0x0008dc63 0.5 190 Damage Luck, 10 pts on Self
Strong Poison of Paralysis PotionParalyzeS 0x00098484 0.5 332 Paralyze, for 7 secs on Self
Strong Poison of Repulsion PotionDrainPersonalityS 0x00098468 0.5 100 Drain Personality, 15 pts for 45 secs on Self
Strong Poison of Separation PotionDrainMagickaS 0x00098466 0.5 105 Drain Magicka, 45 pts for 45 secs on Self
Strong Poison of Severing PotionDamageMagickaS 0x0008dc78 0.5 36 Damage Magicka, 50 pts on Self
Strong Poison of Sickness PotionDrainHealthS 0x00098460 0.5 209 Drain Health, 30 pts for 30 secs on Self
Strong Poison of Silence PotionSilenceS 0x0009849e 0.5 270 Silence, for 45 secs on Self
Strong Poison of Slowing PotionDamageAttrSpeedS 0x0008dc69 0.5 190 Damage Speed, 10 pts on Self
Strong Poison of the Fool PotionDamageAttrPersonalityS 0x0008dc66 0.5 190 Damage Personality, 10 pts on Self
Strong Poison of Weakness PotionDamageAttrStrengthS 0x0008dc6c 0.5 190 Damage Strength, 10 pts on Self
Strong Poison of Weariness PotionDrainFatigueS 0x000984ae 0.5 105 Drain Fatigue, 45 pts for 45 secs on Self
Strong Potion of Absorption PotionSpellAbsorptionS 0x000984a0 0.5 1763 Spell Absorption, 45 pts for 45 secs on Self
Strong Potion of Agility PotionFortifyAgilityS 0x000092e9 0.5 83 Fortify Agility, 20 pts for 30 secs on Self
Strong Potion of Alacrity PotionRestoreSpeedS 0x00009319 0.5 175 Restore Speed, 20 pts on Self
Strong Potion of Antivenom PotionResistPoisonS 0x00098490 0.5 168 Resist Poison, 40% for 30 secs on Self
Strong Potion of Chameleon PotionChameleonS 0x00088b1e 0.5 116 Chameleon, 25% for 30 secs on Self
Strong Potion of Charisma PotionRestorePersonalityS 0x00009317 0.5 175 Restore Personality, 20 pts on Self
Strong Potion of Dedication PotionRestoreWillpowerS 0x00056e58 0.5 175 Restore Willpower, 20 pts on Self
Strong Potion of Detect Life PotionDetectLifeS 0x00009230 0.5 87 Detect Life, 100 pts for 30 secs on Self
Strong Potion of Disbelief PotionResistMagickaS 0x0009848e 0.5 192 Resist Magic, 15% for 30 secs on Self
Strong Potion of Dispel PotionDispelS 0x000984a8 0.5 47 Dispel, 45 pts on Self
Strong Potion of Endurance PotionFortifyEnduranceS 0x000092eb 0.5 83 Fortify Endurance, 20 pts for 30 secs on Self
Strong Potion of Fatigue PotionFortifyFatigueS 0x000092ed 0.5 33 Fortify Fatigue, 60 pts for 45 secs on Self
Strong Potion of Feather PotionFeatherS 0x0009846e 0.5 108 Feather, 100 pts for 300 secs on Self
Strong Potion of Fire Shield PotionFireShieldS 0x00098470 0.5 197 Fire Shield, 20% for 45 secs on Self
Strong Potion of Fortitude PotionRestoreEnduranceS 0x0000930d 0.5 175 Restore Endurance, 20 pts on Self
Strong Potion of Fortune PotionRestoreLuckS 0x00009315 0.5 175 Restore Luck, 20 pts on Self
Strong Potion of Frost Shield PotionFrostShieldS 0x0009847c 0.5 197 Frost Shield, 20% for 45 secs on Self
Strong Potion of Grace PotionRestoreAgilityS 0x0000930b 0.5 175 Restore Agility, 20 pts on Self
Strong Potion of Grounding PotionResistShockS 0x00098492 0.5 168 Resist Shock, 40 pts for 30 secs on Self
Strong Potion of Healing PotionRestoreHealthS 0x00009311 0.5 149 Restore Health, 50 pts on Self
Strong Potion of Health PotionFortifyHealthS 0x000092ef 0.5 125 Fortify Health, 50 pts for 60 secs on Self
Strong Potion of Insight PotionRestoreIntelligenceS 0x00009313 0.5 175 Restore Intelligence, 20 pts on Self
Strong Potion of Insulation PotionResistFireS 0x00098489 0.5 168 Resist Fire, 40 pts for 30 secs on Self
Strong Potion of Intelligence PotionFortifyIntelligenceS 0x000092f1 0.5 83 Fortify Intelligence, 20 pts for 30 secs on Self
Strong Potion of Invisibility PotionInvisibilityS 0x0009847e 0.5 180 Invisibility, for 45 secs on Self
Strong Potion of Light PotionLightS 0x00098480 0.5 103 Light, 40 pts for 180 secs on Self
Strong Potion of Luck PotionFortifyLuckS 0x000092f3 0.5 83 Fortify Luck, 20 pts for 30 secs on Self
Strong Potion of Magicka PotionFortifyMagickaS 0x000092f9 0.5 134 Fortify Magicka, 50 pts for 60 secs on Self
Strong Potion of Magnification DLC06LockSolvent 0xDC0079c9 0.5 100 Fortify Security, 30 pts for 5 secs on Self
Strong Potion of Might PotionRestoreStrengthS 0x0000931d 0.5 175 Restore Strength, 20 pts on Self
Strong Potion of Nighteye PotionNighteyeS 0x00098482 0.5 198 Night-Eye, for 90 secs on Self
Strong Potion of Personality PotionFortifyPersonalityS 0x000092f5 0.5 83 Fortify Personality, 20 pts for 30 secs on Self
Strong Potion of Reflection PotionReflectS 0x00098486 0.5 1360 Reflect Spell, 30% for 50 secs on Self
Strong Potion of Resistance PotionResistDiseaseS 0x00098488 0.5 174 Resist Disease, 30% for 45 secs on Self
Strong Potion of Respite PotionRestoreFatigueS 0x0000930f 0.5 29 Restore Fatigue, 50 pts on Self
Strong Potion of Seastride PotionWaterWalkingS 0x00009327 0.5 117 Water Walking, for 90 secs on Self
Strong Potion of Shock Shield PotionShockShieldS 0x00009ae4 0.5 197 Shock Shield, 20% for 45 secs on Self
Strong Potion of Sorcery PotionRestoreMagickaS 0x0000931b 0.5 90 Restore Magicka, 100 pts on Self
Strong Potion of Speed PotionFortifySpeedS 0x000092f7 0.5 83 Fortify Speed, 20 pts for 30 secs on Self
Strong Potion of Strength PotionFortifyStrengthS 0x000092fb 0.5 83 Fortify Strength, 20 pts for 30 secs on Self
Strong Potion of the Sea PotionWaterBreathingS 0x00009325 0.5 130 Water Breathing, for 90 secs on Self
Strong Potion of Warmth PotionResistFrostS 0x0009848c 0.5 168 Resist Frost, 40 pts for 30 secs on Self
Strong Potion of Willpower PotionFortifyWillpowerS 0x00056e57 0.5 83 Fortify Willpower, 20 pts for 30 secs on Self
Stumblefoot's Reserve DrinkStumblefootsReserve 0xBH00a6af 1.5 30 Feather, 25 pts for 50 secs on Self; Fortify Strength, 10 pts for 50 secs on Self
Summon Dremora Lord TestSummonPotion 0x000981c5 0 785 Summon Dremora Lord, for 50 secs on Self
Surilie Brothers Vintage 399 DrinkWine5SurilieBest 0x00037f84 1 30 Fortify Health, 14 pts for 240 secs on Self; Drain Agility, 5 pts for 120 secs on Self; Drain Intelligence, 5 pts for 120 secs on Self
Surilie Brothers Vintage 415 DrinkWine3SurilieBetter 0x00037f82 1 15 Fortify Health, 12 pts for 120 secs on Self; Drain Agility, 5 pts for 120 secs on Self; Drain Intelligence, 5 pts for 120 secs on Self
Surilie Brothers Wine DrinkWine1SurilieGood 0x00037f80 1 5 Fortify Health, 8 pts for 120 secs on Self; Drain Agility, 5 pts for 120 secs on Self; Drain Intelligence, 5 pts for 120 secs on Self
Tamika Vintage 399 DrinkWine6TamikaBest 0x00037f7e 1 35 Fortify Health, 16 pts for 240 secs on Self; Drain Agility, 5 pts for 120 secs on Self; Drain Intelligence, 5 pts for 120 secs on Self
Tamika Vintage 415 DrinkWine4TamikaBetter 0x00037f83 1 20 Fortify Health, 14 pts for 120 secs on Self; Drain Agility, 5 pts for 120 secs on Self; Drain Intelligence, 5 pts for 120 secs on Self
Tamika's West Weald Wine DrinkWine2TamikaGood 0x00037f81 1 8 Fortify Health, 10 pts for 120 secs on Self; Drain Agility, 5 pts for 120 secs on Self; Drain Intelligence, 5 pts for 120 secs on Self
Test Poison TestPoison 0x000008ac 1 17 Drain Health, 10 pts for 10 secs on Self
Trichobezoar Extract DL9TrichoBezoarPotion 0xMR001493 0.5 150 Cure Poison, on Self; Resist Poison, 100% for 5 secs on Self
Turpentine MS14PotionTurpentine 0x0018bd5a 1 0 Script Effect, on Self
Turpentine MS14PotionTurpentine04 0x000cd2db 1 0 Script Effect, on Self
Turpentine MS14PotionTurpentine08 0x000cd2dc 1 0 Script Effect, on Self
Turpentine MS14PotionTurpentine12 0x000cd2dd 1 0 Script Effect, on Self
Turpentine MS14PotionTurpentine16 0x000cd2de 1 0 Script Effect, on Self
Turpentine MS14PotionTurpentine20 0x000cd2df 1 0 Script Effect, on Self
Weak Elixir of Exploration MS39NirnrootPotionA 0x0004e937 0.2 55 Fortify Health, 20 pts for 300 secs on Self; Night-Eye, for 300 secs on Self
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Database last updated 11/02/2011
ALCH records last updated 11/01/2011