Name |
edID |
formID |
Magicka Cost |
Skill level |
School |
Effects |
Dwemer Fireheart |
AbBattlehornArmorerBuff |
0xBH00c512 |
1 |
Novice |
Restoration |
Ability: Fortify Armorer, 15 pts on Self; Script Effect, on Self |
Ease Burden |
StandardFeather2Apprentice |
0x000a9800 |
35 |
Apprentice |
Alteration |
Spell: Feather, 50 pts for 240 secs on Self |
Easy Lock |
DELETEDLock2Apprentice |
0x000a9805 |
72 |
Apprentice |
Alteration |
Spell: DO NOT USE - Lock, Easy Lock on Touch |
Electric Shell |
StandardShockShield2Apprentice |
0x000a982a |
54 |
Apprentice |
Alteration |
Spell: Shock Shield, 10% for 30 secs on Self |
Electric Touch |
StandardShockDamageTouch2Apprentice |
0x000a97fb |
48 |
Apprentice |
Destruction |
Spell: Shock Damage, 25 pts on Touch |
Electrifying Blast |
DLCTomeSpellShockDamageTarget4Expert |
0xST0011f9 |
324 |
Expert |
Destruction |
Spell: Shock Damage, 20 pts for 6 secs on Target |
Electrifying Bolt |
DLCTomeSpellShockDamageTarget2Apprentice |
0xST0011f8 |
55 |
Apprentice |
Destruction |
Spell: Shock Damage, 5 pts for 6 secs on Target |
Electrifying Burst |
DLCTomeSpellShockDamageTarget3Journeyman |
0xST0011fa |
133 |
Journeyman |
Destruction |
Spell: Shock Damage, 10 pts for 6 secs on Target |
Electrifying Spark |
DLCTomeSpellShockDamageTarget1Novice |
0xST0011fc |
23 |
Novice |
Destruction |
Spell: Shock Damage, 3 pts for 5 secs on Target |
Electrifying Touch |
DLCTomeSpellShockDamageTouch2Apprentice |
0xST001239 |
54 |
Apprentice |
Destruction |
Spell: Shock Damage, 6 pts for 6 secs on Touch; Weakness to Shock, 50% for 6 secs on Touch |
Electrocuting Touch |
DLCTomeSpellShockDamageTouch4Expert |
0xST00123d |
384 |
Expert |
Destruction |
Spell: Shock Damage, 30 pts for 6 secs on Touch; Weakness to Shock, 100% for 6 secs on Touch |
Electrocution |
StandardShockDamageTarget5Master |
0x000a97f9 |
479 |
Master |
Destruction |
Spell: Shock Damage, 110 pts on Target |
Elemental Blast |
DLCTomeSpellAllDamageTarget4Expert |
0xST001220 |
209 |
Expert |
Destruction |
Spell: Fire Damage, 25 pts on Target; Frost Damage, 25 pts on Target; Shock Damage, 25 pts on Target |
Elemental Bolt |
DLCTomeSpellAllDamageTarget2Apprentice |
0xST00121c |
55 |
Apprentice |
Destruction |
Spell: Fire Damage, 9 pts on Target; Frost Damage, 9 pts on Target; Shock Damage, 9 pts on Target |
Elemental Burst |
DLCTomeSpellAllDamageTarget3Journeyman |
0xST00121e |
108 |
Journeyman |
Destruction |
Spell: Fire Damage, 15 pts on Target; Frost Damage, 15 pts on Target; Shock Damage, 15 pts on Target |
Elemental Flare |
DLCTomeSpellAllDamageTarget1Novice |
0xST00121a |
25 |
Novice |
Destruction |
Spell: Fire Damage, 5 pts on Target; Frost Damage, 5 pts on Target; Shock Damage, 5 pts on Target |
Elytra abilities |
SEAbElytra |
0x0004418a |
9 |
Novice |
Destruction |
Ability: Weakness to Magic, 20% on Self; Water Walking, on Self; Resist Poison, 50% on Self |
Elytra abilities |
SEAbElytraHatchling |
0x0004418c |
2 |
Novice |
Destruction |
Ability: Weakness to Magic, 20% on Self; Water Walking, on Self |
Elytra Hatchling disease |
SEDisElytaHatchling |
0x0004418b |
2 |
Novice |
Destruction |
Disease: Drain Fatigue, 50 pts on Self |
Embrace of Shadows |
VampireEmbraceofShadows |
0x0003bedb |
0 |
Master |
Illusion |
Power: Night-Eye, for 90 secs on Self; Invisibility, for 180 secs on Self |
Encumbering Touch |
StandardBurden3Journeyman |
0x000a97c3 |
78 |
Journeyman |
Alteration |
Spell: Burden, 50 pts for 25 secs on Touch |
End of Order |
SE13AbParalyze |
0x0001a7eb |
47 |
Apprentice |
Illusion |
Ability: Paralyze, on Self |
End of Order |
SE13DeathLightningSpell |
0x0001a7ec |
22 |
Novice |
Destruction |
Spell: Shock Damage, 10 pts on Target |
Enemies Explode |
DelphineJendEnemiesExplode |
0x00014720 |
842 |
Master |
Destruction |
Spell: Fire Damage, 5 pts for 5 secs in 10 ft on Target; Fire Damage, 70 pts for 1 sec in 20 ft on Target |
Enhanced Visibility |
DLCTomeSpellIlluminateTarget1Novice |
0xST00120a |
19 |
Novice |
Illusion |
Spell: Light, 10 pts for 30 secs in 30 ft on Target |
Enthrall |
MG18MannimarcoEnthrall |
0x00070488 |
0 |
Novice |
Illusion |
Spell: Script Effect, on Target |
Enthralling Presence |
StandardCharmArea3Journeyman |
0x000a97ff |
105 |
Journeyman |
Illusion |
Spell: Charm, 24 pts for 20 secs in 20 ft on Target |
Entropic Bolt |
StandardDamageHealthTarget2Apprentice |
0x000a97b1 |
34 |
Apprentice |
Destruction |
Spell: Damage Health, 10 pts on Target |
Entropic Bolt |
TRAPDamageHealthTarget01 |
0x00041f73 |
32 |
Apprentice |
Destruction |
Spell: Damage Health, 6 pts in 12 ft on Target |
Entropic Bolt |
TRAPDamageHealthTarget02 |
0x00041f74 |
77 |
Journeyman |
Destruction |
Spell: Damage Health, 12 pts in 12 ft on Target |
Entropic Bolt |
TRAPDamageHealthTarget03 |
0x00041f77 |
131 |
Journeyman |
Destruction |
Spell: Damage Health, 18 pts in 12 ft on Target |
Entropic Bolt |
TRAPDamageHealthTarget04 |
0x00041f75 |
189 |
Expert |
Destruction |
Spell: Damage Health, 24 pts in 12 ft on Target |
Entropic Bolt |
TRAPDamageHealthTarget05 |
0x00041f76 |
251 |
Expert |
Destruction |
Spell: Damage Health, 30 pts in 12 ft on Target |
Entropic Bolt |
TRAPDamageHealthTargetFAKE |
0x0004efdf |
2 |
Novice |
Destruction |
Spell: Fire Damage, 1 pt in 12 ft on Target |
Entropic Bolt |
TRAPFireballArea01 |
0x0005a605 |
16 |
Novice |
Destruction |
Spell: Shock Damage, 5 pts in 12 ft on Target |
Entropic Bolt |
TRAPFireballArea02 |
0x0005a606 |
22 |
Novice |
Destruction |
Spell: Shock Damage, 10 pts in 6 ft on Target |
Entropic Bolt |
TRAPFireballArea03 |
0x0005a607 |
44 |
Apprentice |
Destruction |
Spell: Shock Damage, 15 pts in 8 ft on Target |
Entropic Bolt |
TRAPFireballArea04 |
0x0005a608 |
64 |
Journeyman |
Destruction |
Spell: Shock Damage, 20 pts in 8 ft on Target |
Entropic Bolt |
TRAPFireballArea05 |
0x0005a60a |
166 |
Expert |
Destruction |
Spell: Shock Damage, 35 pts in 10 ft on Target |
Entropic Touch |
StandardDamageHealthTouch1Novice |
0x000a97d3 |
9 |
Novice |
Destruction |
Spell: Damage Health, 5 pts on Touch |
Essence Drain |
MG15BloodwormHelm01 |
0x0007be2e |
25 |
Apprentice |
Restoration |
Spell: Absorb Health, 2 pts for 5 secs on Touch; Absorb Magicka, 2 pts for 5 secs on Touch; Absorb Fatigue, 5 pts for 5 secs on Touch |
Essence Drain |
MG15BloodwormHelm05 |
0x0007be2f |
89 |
Expert |
Restoration |
Spell: Absorb Health, 5 pts for 6 secs on Touch; Absorb Magicka, 5 pts for 6 secs on Touch; Absorb Fatigue, 10 pts for 6 secs on Touch |
Essence Drain |
MG15BloodwormHelm10 |
0x0007be30 |
166 |
Expert |
Restoration |
Spell: Absorb Health, 7 pts for 7 secs on Touch; Absorb Magicka, 7 pts for 7 secs on Touch; Absorb Fatigue, 15 pts for 7 secs on Touch |
Essence Drain |
MG15BloodwormHelm15 |
0x0007be31 |
289 |
Master |
Restoration |
Spell: Absorb Health, 10 pts for 8 secs on Touch; Absorb Magicka, 10 pts for 8 secs on Touch; Absorb Fatigue, 20 pts for 8 secs on Touch |
Essence Drain |
MG15BloodwormHelm20 |
0x0007be32 |
420 |
Master |
Restoration |
Spell: Absorb Health, 12 pts for 9 secs on Touch; Absorb Magicka, 12 pts for 9 secs on Touch; Absorb Fatigue, 25 pts for 9 secs on Touch |
Essence Drain |
MG15BloodwormHelm25 |
0x0007be33 |
713 |
Master |
Restoration |
Spell: Absorb Health, 15 pts for 10 secs on Touch; Absorb Magicka, 15 pts for 10 secs on Touch; Absorb Fatigue, 40 pts for 10 secs on Touch |
Exalted Pain |
SE09SacrificeSpell |
0x0008556c |
0 |
Apprentice |
Destruction |
Spell: Damage Agility, 1 pt for 5 secs in 10 ft on Touch; Damage Endurance, 1 pt for 5 secs in 10 ft on Touch; Damage Strength, 1 pt for 5 secs in 10 ft on Touch; Damage Willpower, 1 pt for 5 secs in 10 ft on Touch; Damage Health, 10 pts for 5 secs in 10 ft on Touch; Damage Magicka, 10 pts for 5 secs in 10 ft on Touch |
Exalted Pain |
SERelmynaExperimentSpell |
0x0004566d |
0 |
Apprentice |
Destruction |
Spell: Script Effect, for 5 secs in 10 ft on Target |
Eye of Fear |
PwRaceKhajiitDemoralize |
0x00047adf |
0 |
Master |
Illusion |
Power: Demoralize, up to level 25 for 30 secs on Target |
Eye of Night |
LpRaceKhajiitNightEye |
0x00047ae0 |
0 |
Novice |
Illusion |
Lesser Power: Night-Eye, for 30 secs on Self |
Eyes in the Fog |
SE14WeatherBuff1 |
0x0005dd23 |
3 |
Novice |
Mysticism |
Ability: Detect Life, 120 pts on Self |
Eyes of Eventide |
StandardNightEye2Apprentice |
0x000a982f |
33 |
Apprentice |
Illusion |
Spell: Night-Eye, for 15 secs on Self |
Eyes of Midnight |
StandardNightEye3Journeyman |
0x000a9830 |
66 |
Journeyman |
Illusion |
Spell: Night-Eye, for 30 secs on Self |
Faded Wraith's Curse |
LpWraithFadedCurse |
0x0002b4ff |
10 |
Apprentice |
Destruction |
Lesser Power: Frost Damage, 10 pts on Target; Drain Strength, 20 pts for 30 secs on Target; Drain Endurance, 20 pts for 30 secs on Target; Frost Damage, 1 pt for 30 secs on Target |
Favor of Akatosh |
AltarDragonStatue |
0x0000ccbb |
146784486 |
Master |
Restoration |
Spell: Cure Disease, in 1000 ft on Target; Restore Agility, 100 pts in 1000 ft on Target; Restore Endurance, 100 pts in 1000 ft on Target; Restore Intelligence, 100 pts in 1000 ft on Target; Restore Luck, 100 pts in 1000 ft on Target; Restore Personality, 100 pts in 1000 ft on Target; Restore Speed, 100 pts in 1000 ft on Target; Restore Strength, 100 pts in 1000 ft on Target; Restore Willpower, 100 pts in 1000 ft on Target; Restore Health, 500 pts in 1000 ft on Target; Fortify Luck, 25 pts for 86400 secs in 1000 ft on Target; Fortify Personality, 25 pts for 86400 secs in 1000 ft on Target |
Fearful Gaze |
StandardDemoralizeTarget4Expert |
0x000a97d6 |
171 |
Master |
Illusion |
Spell: Demoralize, up to level 7 for 30 secs on Target |
Feeble Limb |
DisRatFeebleLimb |
0x0001ce5c |
0 |
Novice |
Destruction |
Disease: Drain Strength, 5 pts on Self |
Felldew Euphoria |
SE04FelldewEuphoria1 |
0x00013188 |
3 |
Novice |
Restoration |
Ability: Fortify Agility, 10 pts on Self; Fortify Strength, 10 pts on Self; Fortify Intelligence, 10 pts on Self |
Felldew Euphoria |
SE04FelldewEuphoria2 |
0x00013189 |
3 |
Novice |
Restoration |
Ability: Fortify Agility, 10 pts on Self; Fortify Strength, 10 pts on Self; Fortify Intelligence, 10 pts on Self |
Felldew Euphoria |
SE04FelldewEuphoria3 |
0x0004594b |
0 |
Novice |
Restoration |
Ability: Fortify Agility, 5 pts on Self; Fortify Strength, 5 pts on Self; Fortify Intelligence, 5 pts on Self; Fortify Health, 20 pts on Self; Fortify Magicka, 20 pts on Self |
Felldew Euphoria |
SE04FelldewSelfCast |
0x00013187 |
0 |
Novice |
Restoration |
Spell: Fortify Agility, 10 pts for 30 secs on Self; Fortify Intelligence, 10 pts for 30 secs on Self; Fortify Strength, 10 pts for 30 secs on Self; Fortify Agility, 10 pts for 10 secs on Self; Fortify Intelligence, 10 pts for 10 secs on Self; Fortify Strength, 10 pts for 10 secs on Self |
Felldew Withdrawal |
SE04FelldewWithdrawl |
0x0001318a |
0 |
Novice |
Destruction |
Ability: Drain Agility, 5 pts on Self; Drain Strength, 5 pts on Self; Drain Intelligence, 5 pts on Self; Drain Luck, 5 pts on Self |
Fenrik's Welcome |
DLCTomeSpellFenriksEscape3Journeyman |
0xST00122d |
210 |
Expert |
Alteration |
Spell: Open, Hard Lock on Target; Chameleon, 100% for 5 secs on Self |
Fiery Breath |
LpDaedrothFieryBreath |
0x0001ce5a |
10 |
Journeyman |
Destruction |
Lesser Power: Fire Damage, 20 pts in 5 ft on Target |
Fiery Touch |
LpAtronachFireTouch |
0x0003c17c |
10 |
Novice |
Destruction |
Lesser Power: Fire Damage, 13 pts on Touch |
Finger of the Mountain |
MG05ShockSpell01 |
0x000c6982 |
561 |
Master |
Destruction |
Spell: Shock Damage, 15 pts in 100 ft on Target |
Finger of the Mountain |
MG05ShockSpell05 |
0x000c6983 |
1972 |
Master |
Destruction |
Spell: Shock Damage, 40 pts in 100 ft on Target |
Finger of the Mountain |
MG05ShockSpell10 |
0x000c6984 |
3313 |
Master |
Destruction |
Spell: Shock Damage, 60 pts in 100 ft on Target |
Finger of the Mountain |
MG05ShockSpell15 |
0x000c6985 |
8046 |
Master |
Destruction |
Spell: Shock Damage, 120 pts in 100 ft on Target |
Finger of the Mountain |
MG05ShockSpell20 |
0x000c6986 |
16470 |
Master |
Destruction |
Spell: Shock Damage, 210 pts in 100 ft on Target |
Finger of the Mountain |
Mg05FingerSpell01 |
0x000c48a2 |
11 |
Novice |
Destruction |
Spell: Shock Damage, 6 pts in 5 ft on Target |
Finger of the Mountain |
Mg05FingerSpell05 |
0x000c48a3 |
75 |
Journeyman |
Destruction |
Spell: Shock Damage, 20 pts in 5 ft on Target |
Finger of the Mountain |
Mg05FingerSpell10 |
0x000c48a4 |
211 |
Expert |
Destruction |
Spell: Shock Damage, 40 pts in 5 ft on Target |
Finger of the Mountain |
Mg05FingerSpell15 |
0x000c48a5 |
715 |
Master |
Destruction |
Spell: Shock Damage, 90 pts in 5 ft on Target |
Finger of the Mountain |
Mg05FingerSpell20 |
0x000c48a6 |
1386 |
Master |
Destruction |
Spell: Shock Damage, 140 pts in 5 ft on Target |
Finger of the Mountain |
Mg05FingerSpell25 |
0x000c48a7 |
3551 |
Master |
Destruction |
Spell: Shock Damage, 200 pts in 10 ft on Target |
Fingernail Moon |
DoomstoneShadow |
0x0006a8f6 |
0 |
Novice |
Illusion |
Power: Chameleon, 15% for 120 secs on Self |
Fire Ball |
StandardFireDamageArea3Journeyman |
0x000a97e7 |
131 |
Journeyman |
Destruction |
Spell: Fire Damage, 30 pts in 10 ft on Target |
Fire Column Damage |
0x000651da |
0 |
Expert |
Destruction |
Spell: Damage Health, 10000 pts for 5 secs in 3 ft on Target |
Fire Damage from Bon Fires |
TRAPGenericFireDamageHigh01 |
0x000689b2 |
21 |
Novice |
Destruction |
Spell: Fire Damage, 8 pts for 2 secs on Touch |
Fire Damage from Bon Fires |
TRAPGenericFireDamageLow01 |
0x00068824 |
3 |
Novice |
Destruction |
Spell: Fire Damage, 3 pts for 1 sec on Touch |
Fire Damage from Bon Fires |
TRAPGenericFireDamageMedium01 |
0x000689b0 |
14 |
Novice |
Destruction |
Spell: Fire Damage, 6 pts for 2 secs on Touch |
Fire Damage from Bon Fires |
TRAPGenericFireDamageVeryHigh01 |
0x00014f3d |
28 |
Apprentice |
Destruction |
Spell: Fire Damage, 10 pts for 2 secs on Touch |
Fire Shield |
NPCFireShield1Novice |
0x0005dcc5 |
60 |
Novice |
Alteration |
Spell: Fire Shield, 15% for 20 secs on Self |
Fire Shield |
StandardFireShield4Expert |
0x000a9808 |
221 |
Expert |
Alteration |
Spell: Fire Shield, 30% for 30 secs on Self |
Fire Shield |
TRAPSeigeFireShield |
0x0006946f |
17044 |
Master |
Alteration |
Spell: Fire Shield, 50% for 1200 secs on Self |
Fire Storm |
StandardFireDamageArea4Expert |
0x000a97e8 |
378 |
Expert |
Destruction |
Spell: Fire Damage, 50 pts in 15 ft on Target |
Fireball |
SELpFleshAtronach5Fireball |
0x00043cba |
10 |
Journeyman |
Destruction |
Lesser Power: Fire Damage, 25 pts in 10 ft on Target |
Fireball |
TestFireball |
0x000359ba |
780 |
Master |
Destruction |
Spell: Fire Damage, 20 pts for 5 secs in 20 ft on Target |
Firm Beliefs |
SELpHereticDispel |
0x00050eca |
25 |
Novice |
Mysticism |
Lesser Power: Dispel, 300 pts on Self |
Fist of Talos |
ShrineTiberSeptimStrength |
0x00177207 |
19112 |
Master |
Restoration |
Spell: Fortify Strength, 10 pts for 600 secs on Target; Cure Disease, on Target; Restore Agility, 100 pts on Target; Restore Endurance, 100 pts on Target; Restore Intelligence, 100 pts on Target; Restore Luck, 100 pts on Target; Restore Personality, 100 pts on Target; Restore Speed, 100 pts on Target; Restore Strength, 100 pts on Target; Restore Willpower, 100 pts on Target; Restore Health, 200 pts on Target |
Flame of Agnon |
SE06FlameOfAgnonSpell |
0x00013209 |
0 |
Novice |
Destruction |
Ability: Script Effect, on Self |
Flame of Dementia |
SE14GreatTorchDementiaSpell |
0x000948b7 |
0 |
Novice |
Restoration |
Spell: Fortify Speed, 5 pts for 300 secs on Target; Fortify Luck, 5 pts for 300 secs on Target; Fortify Security, 4 pts for 300 secs on Target; Fortify Sneak, 4 pts for 300 secs on Target |
Flame of Mania |
SE14GreatTorchManiaSpell |
0x000948b5 |
0 |
Novice |
Restoration |
Spell: Fortify Intelligence, 10 pts for 300 secs on Target; Fortify Willpower, 10 pts for 300 secs on Target; Resist Paralysis, 10 pts for 300 secs on Target |
Flame Shield |
StandardFireShield3Journeyman |
0x000a9807 |
443 |
Master |
Alteration |
Spell: Fire Shield, 30% for 60 secs on Self |
Flame Tempest |
StandardFireDamageArea5Master |
0x000a97e9 |
635 |
Master |
Destruction |
Spell: Fire Damage, 75 pts in 15 ft on Target |
Flame Touch |
StandardFireDamageTouch2Apprentice |
0x000a97e4 |
46 |
Apprentice |
Destruction |
Spell: Fire Damage, 25 pts on Touch |
Flammable Touch |
DLCTomeSpellFireDamageTouch1Novice |
0xST001233 |
25 |
Novice |
Destruction |
Spell: Fire Damage, 4 pts for 5 secs on Touch; Weakness to Fire, 25% for 5 secs on Touch |
Flare |
StandardFireDamageTarget1Novice |
0x000a97df |
11 |
Novice |
Destruction |
Spell: Fire Damage, 6 pts on Target |
Flash Bolt |
StandardFireDamageTarget2Apprentice |
0x000a97e0 |
52 |
Apprentice |
Destruction |
Spell: Fire Damage, 20 pts on Target |