Oblivion Game Data

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Oblivion AMMO Record Statistics

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Subrecord Total Number Min # / Record Max # / Record Min. Size Max. Size Av. Size
134 133 208 178.0
ANAM 82 0 1 2 2 2
DATA 134 1 1 18 18 18
EDID 134 1 1 11 32 21.7
ENAM 82 0 1 4 4 4
FULL 134 1 1 11 25 17.6
ICON 134 1 1 22 41 25.4
MODB 134 1 1 4 4 4
MODL 134 1 1 23 47 25.2
MODT 85 0 1 24 24 24

Record Format

This is a simplified summary of the record format that was used by this program to extract data from the original game file. It is not necessarily the correct format, nor is it intended to provide complete information about the format. Subrecords that do not appear in this list are not currently being read. Any formats that appear in red italics are complete guesses and have not yet been confirmed in any way.

Subrecord Byte Start Length Format Variable Name Extra
ANAM 0 2 ushort enchantcharge
DATA 0 4 float speed
4 4 ulong (flags) Flag values:
  • 0x1=resistnw
8 4 ulong value_raw
12 4 float weight
16 2 ushort damage
EDID 0 * string EDID
ENAM 0 4 formid enchant_id
FULL 0 * string name
ICON 0 * string icon
MODB 0 * string MODB
MODL 0 * string model
MODT 0 * blob MODT

Database last updated 11/02/2011
AMMO records last updated 11/01/2011